Twenty pt. 1

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(I've been plotting this chapter for a while.)

Naruka begged Naruto to ask Hinata to ride with them to the location of the wedding. They have to travel all the way to Otagakure because that's Sai's hometown and Ino thought it'd be nice to get married there. Hinata hesitated not wanting to overstep her boundaries, but, with Naruka's constant nagging, Naruto insisted Hinata join them and asked her to be his date.

So, here Naruto is in his usual spot trying to wake his daughter up. "Ruru...come on get up sweetie we're going to be late."

She doesn't move.

"We're going to miss our flight. Come on."

She rolls over grunting. 'Five more minutes." and falls right back to sleep with her butt in the air. Naruto stifles a laugh at this scene of familiarity.

He whispers, "I'll take you to go get ramen."

The little girl still doesn't move. Naruto now tries to think of a way to get her up since his secret weapon didn't work. His phone rings and he picks it up.


"Good morning Naruto-kun. I'm ready whenever you are."

"Yeah. That's the thing. Naruka won't wake up. I know I was a rough sleeper but dude."

"Put me on speaker."

He does and Hinata speaks out, "Naruka...sweetie. Mommy needs you to wake up so we can leave." Her soft voice echoes through the room.

The little girl lazily sits up with her eyes closed and her hair everywhere mumbling, "Okay mommy. I'm up."

Naruto deadpans. Betrayed. By his own daughter. He takes Hinata off speaker and she's already giggling sending how he feels. "It's not fair Hinata. I was here first."

Hinata giggles some more, "I just have a way with kids I guess."

Naruto slips out, "Maybe you should become her real mother then."

His eyes widen as does hers on the other end. Both adults get quiet. Naruto is the first to recover. "I...will...see you in...about thirty minutes. K-kay?"

"O-okay." She stutters.

Naruto hangs up and quickly gets his half dead daughter up to bathe and get dressed. Ruthie is coming with them as Naruto said she also needed a vacation. She's the only one in the house that hasn't taken one. She reluctantly comes along saying she will get to spend some more time with Naruka especially since the little girl won't be able to stay at the entire car show due to the time.

Naruto picks Hinata up and loads her things into the car. Hinata speaks to Ruthie and And Naruka and they make their way to the airport. Naruto booked first class tickets much to Hinata's protest saying she doesn't want to be spoiled like that.

Naruto gives her a look and says, "Too bad. Whenever you're with me, expect it."

She blushes as he treats her more like his girlfriend than a friend. Ruthie and Naruka have devious grins on their faces when she looks up at them. She hurriedly walks off and goes towards the gate.

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