Thirty One

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Naruto stops the car. His eyes widen. He knows that voice. He knows that voice very well. No way.

There's no way this is possible. He's a friend. A close friend. He supported him during his wife's death and even helped with raising his daughter.

He's always been someone Naruto could depend on other than Sasuke. Naruto gets over his shock long enough to mention the guy's name.


Koji chuckles, "That's right Uzumaki. The one and only."

Naruto huffs, "Why? Why? Why are you doing this? We're friends Koji."

Koji scoffs disgustingly, "Friends? I'm not your friend. If I were, you'd have never taken from me the one thing I had wanted more than anything in the world."

Naruto ponders, "I never took anything from you. Never. If there was ever anything you wanted or needed, I always had your back. So what are you talking about?"

Koji sighs, "Maybe I should reword that. Instead of taking the one 'thing' I always wanted..." he pauses before getting even more serious, " took the one 'person' I have always wanted."

Sasuke and Naruto give each other a look.

"Who? I never took anyone from you."

"Yeah. You did. A long time ago."

"And who's that?"

"Don't you know? Your wife. Shion."

Naruto's eyes widen in shock. Koji wanted Shion? Naruto never knew that. Not that he would have given her to him but there's no way he could have known.

"I...I never knew that."

Koji scoffs, "Well it's too late for that now isn't it? I'm going to take everyone you've ever loved away from you. Just like I have been doing all along."

Sasuke huffs, "What the hell is that supposed to

"Ho ho. Don't worry Uchiha. I'm coming for you too. Just...not right now. You see...I have your friends, your girlfriend and your daughter Uzumaki. And until I feel completely satisfied with your misery, I'm going to kill by fucking one."

Naruto's hand tightens it's grip on the steering wheel as he seethes in anger.

"They have nothing to do with this. Leave them be. Let this stay between you and me."

"Oh...but they ARE a part of you...aren't they? I mean...they're  the centerpiece. The foundation. And if you destroy the foundation...the whole building comes crashing down."

Sasuke's phone beeps. It's a text from Sakura on Hitori's phone. Sasuke shows Naruto the text and he nods.

"Leave my friends and family out of this Koji!"

Koji chuckles again, "Your family has always been a part of this. It's your friends' turn now."

"What do you mean?"

"Did you really think that everyone you two bozos have lost so far have been real accidents?" he laughs maniacally.

Both been get quiet.

"That's right. Shion, Mikoto, Kushina, Minato, Konan and even Nagato. The real challenge was Ruthie. Never thought I'd have to kill that bitch twice."

Sasuke mutters, "That...was you...all this time?"

Koji chuckles.


Koji is drinking while listening to the Konoha U basketball game on the radio. He sees the fan bus on the side of the road. His blood boils when he sees Shion. 'That bitch. That bitch should've been mine!! I loved her first!!!'

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