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Sakura wakes up the next morning so graceful and relaxed. She sits up and stretches before staring out of her bedroom window welcoming in the morning sun. Last night was everything she never thought she needed. If this would complicate things between her and Sasuke, she didn't care. That heavy load that unknowingly was weighing her down had been lifted and she was prepared to face the consequences head on.

The smell of pancakes catches her attention and she gets up wrapping herself in a robe before heading downstairs to see what the source of this delightful fragrance is and who is responsible for grasping her attention and appetite.

She walks into the kitchen and the sight before her makes her smile. There standing at the stove is none other than the one responsible for her current blissful state. His hair is pulled into a ponytail and he is masterfully flipping pancakes in the skillet without much effort.

She sneaks up behind him and embraces him making the raven haired man flinch in surprise. "Good morning my love." she says to him.

Unfortunately for her, Sasuke is caught completely off guard and tosses the pancake too high nearly hitting her with it. He apologizes but she is in such a good mood that she forgives him immediately. Sakura then kisses his lips softly which makes the man pause in place.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" he asks.

She smiles at him with love and lust in her eyes. "Oh...I think you know."

He raises an eyebrow. "No. I don't." he responds bluntly and in a state of confusion that can only be described as him thinking 'wtf'.

Sakura snakes her arms around his waists and lies her head on his chest smiling at him lovingly. "Is my dear Sasuke-kun being shy? You don't have to be sweetie." She winks at him making the man even more uncomfortable.

He gulps at the 'I'm going to rape you' look on her face and asks her seriously, "Um...I honestly have no idea what you are talking about Sakura. And why are you looking at me like you want to rip my clothes off?"

She bites down on her bottom lip and grabs his rear making the man jump. "Maybe because I do. Maybe I want to pour that syrup on you and" She says the last part slowly while caressing his manhood exciting the said Uchiha a bit.

"I-is a-all of t-this r-really n-necessary?" Sasuke stutters in utter fear of being raped by his ex-wife while their son is in the living room watching a Teen Titans marathon waiting for his father to tell him breakfast is ready.

Sakura then licks her lips. "Oh...I think it is. You took control last night. It's my turn to take control Mr Uchiha."

Sasuke frowns and shoves Sakura's arms off of him. "I think you have me mistaken for someone else mam."

"No. Trust me. It was ALL you." she winks again.

Sasuke rolls his eyes at her. "That's impossible."

"How so?" she says now looking both confused and offended.

"Because I wasn't here last night Sakura." he says bluntly starting another pancake to replace the one Sakura made him ruin a few minutes earlier.

"Yes you were Sasuke. We made love last time. Well, if you want to call it that. You were aggressive." she says blushing thinking about it.

Sasuke stops and turn towards her. "I was aggressive how?"

She blushes and looks away, " you said...there was a lot of...deep thrusting, hair pulling, back scratching, aggressive grunting and blissful moaning...and I couldn't come up with one so I'm hoping you came up with an explanation for a five year old as to why it sounded like two apes where wrestling in the room next to his."

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