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Sasuke is at Sakura's house trying to figure out if something is going on between Naruto and Hinata. Naruto never mentions her. Not that he would the only women he talks about ever are a few friends, family or his bipolar secretary.

In Sasuke's eyes all women are bipolar. Especially the one sitting in front of him blushing like a schoolgirl.


Because the Sasuke side of Yusuke asked his mom and dad for a little sister. Sasuke chuckles and Sakura tried to tell the little boy it wasn't that simple. When he asked her to explain, she said that was a long conversation and it would take a while.

Yusuke then asked how long did it take to explain him.

Sakura immediately sent him to his room while Sasuke mumbles something that sounded like an hour and a half. Sakura remembers every single detail of that night and her lack of sex plus the memories of the 'fun times' with Sasuke are not helping her hormonal imbalances at the moment.

Sasuke looks at her seriously.

"So, are you going to give him a little sister?"

Sakura blushes even deeper and looks at Sasuke in disbelief. "Did you really just ask me that!?"

He shrugs, "I'm just asking a simple question."

She tries to glare at him but can't properly perform the task due to the lust invading every fiber of her being. Sasuke rubs his hands through his hair and Sakura starts to sweat a bit. 'Damn that was hot.'

"I-it takes t-two to m-make a c-child S-Sasuke-kun." She stutters embarrassed that they're actually having this conversation.

Sasuke says nonchalantly, "Then find the right guy and give our son what he wants."

Her while demeanor switches instantly. "No thanks. I do not want to have two children by two different men sir."

Sasuke eyes her suspiciously, "Are you implying that you would only have another child with me?" Internally, he is jumping around like Captain Underpants singing 'Tralalaaaaaaa!!!!'

Sakura previous mindset, yeah that horny one, slides back into place like a thot in a dm. (side note: 🤣🤣)

"No! Well...uh...I...wouldn't want my children having different fathers. And plus I don't want another man...inside of me."

Sasuje for some reason gets jealous at that thought. 'I'd kill a bitch if he tried. Those are MY cookies. And if anybody's eating those cookies, it's ME!!!'

He looks up at Sakura who's eyes have widened at him and realizes he said that out loud. "Wait! T-that came out wrong!!"

The two sit at the table for a few more minutes in silence glancing at each other on and off. Sasuke grabs his keys and clears his throat. "It's getting late. I should probably go." He gets up and walks towards the front door.

"Sasuke-kun wait!" Sakura stops him. He turns to her. She doesn't meet his eyes. "It's already pretty late. You could...stay here...for the night." she offers.

'Uh...Fuck Yeah I'll stay.' his mind screams.

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

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