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Sasuke has been quiet for quite some time. Ever since the whole 'babe' thing. He's been just staring out he window taking glances at Sakura from time to time who keeps pointing at trees, mountains and wildlife to their son.

Sasuke can feel himself falling more and more in love with her. Maybe that's why he was so nervous when he left his house this morning. He looks over at her and smiles at the bright smile on her face. She looks over to ask him a question and they lock eyes sharing a smile with one another.

That's when Sasuke knew.

He knew right then at that moment...

...that his brother is an asshole.

"So love gonna sit and stare at each other or are you going to get out of the truck?" Itachi says to the two with one blushing and one glaring.

Sakura takes another look at Sasuke before walking into the restaurant where they are having lunch for the evening. Sasuke walks beside Itachi and elbows him in the side. "Why do you always have to be such a pain in the ass?"

Itachi chuckles, "Sasuke. You're still in love with your wife. Do us all a favor and use this weekend to show her. Do whatever it takes to get your family back together. It's clear that she still loves you just as much as she did when you first asked her out. Stop being so stubborn and do it. Or I will tell her everything."

Sasuke glares, "You wouldn't."

Itachi smirks and walks away after purposely hitting Sasuke in his Uchihas, "Just as sure as my name is Itachi. I will."

Sasuke walks slowly into the restaurant with his jewels in pain. He sits at the table right next to Sakura. She looks at him worriedly seeing minor tears in his eyes. "Sasuke-kun? What's wrong sweetie?"

He can't even blush or speak he just shakes his head while glaring at his laughing brother. Fugal looks between the two and then sighs before slapping the back of Itachi's head.

"You hit in his sack again didn't you?"

Itachi rubs his head and chuckles nervously knowing an additional glare is about to be sent his way, "Yep. Straight in the balls. Won't be able to use those any time soon."

Sakura hears this and matches Sasuke's glare.

A beautiful woman walks into there private room catching her attention before she can snap at the man. "Oh. hello there." She greets the woman.

" She greets the woman

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'Wow. She's gorgeous. And that tattoo on her arm is badass.' Sakura thinks. She looks over at Sasuke who really doesn't care. His balls are still in pain.

Sakura reaches under that table and begins to rub his privates. Sasuke jumps at the contact and tries to play it off. He looks over at Sakura who smiles at him and whispers, "Feel better?"

He nods quickly resembling their son which makes Sakura laugh. Itachi stands up and kisses the woman now gaining the attention of the young 'couple' and their son who is eye raping the silver eyed woman.

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