Thirty Two

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Sai is trying to keep Ino calm while Kiba does the same for his wife Tamaki. The two keep throwing glares at the seven men that are in the room with them. Sai spits out the metallic taste in his mouth and watches as the red liquid splatters on the floor beneath him. He is pissed. 

In the midst of the chaos while trying to hurry over to Naruto's house, they were cut off in traffic. Kiba lost his temper and hopped out the car to confront the bad driver. Sai hopped out to calm him down. This turned out to be a mistake.

While the two men were distracted, a black sedan pulled up next to Kiba's Tahoe a put guns to Ino and Tamaki's heads. They threatened to shoot if either of the women screamed. The two women shakingly nodded before opening the doors and getting out without alerting their husbands.

After getting the women into the truck, one of the guys whistled catching the attention of Sai and Kiba. Both men turned pale (well...Sai has always been pale but you get what I'm saying) at the sight of their wives being held at gunpoint. Sai grabbed Kiba so that the hot head wouldn't do anything drastic that would put  the women at risk.

They approached the kidnappers with their hands up in surrender. Sai spoke up, "Look. If it's money you want, I can give you millions. For collateral, you can take me with you. But please, let my wife and my friend's wife go. Take us instead. I can promise you that neither of them will alert the police nor speak of this again. Right ladies?"

Ino and Tamaki nodded quickly with tears streaming down their cheeks ruining their makeup.

Kiba also nodded in agreement.

One of the guys lit a cigarette before speaking, "What makes you think we want money?"

Sai was at a loss for words.

The guy chuckled after blowing smoke in Kiba's face who was trying desperately to maintain his temper. The red eyed stranger then looked at Sai. He turned to walk off but then suddenly hit Sai across the face with a hard backfist knocking him out. Kiba prepared to retaliate before staring down the barrel of a .357 revolver.

He held his hands back up breathing roughly while eyeing the gun and the owner.

The guy chuckled again at Kiba. "You're a fiesty one. I'm REALLY going to enjoy this."

Kiba raised an eyebrow before a sharp pain in the back of his head alerts him. He fell to the ground shortly afterwards.

Sai woke up after hearing Ino's voice call his name over and over. He looks up at her and she squeezes him in a hug. He looks at their surroundings and notices that they are in a bunker of some sort. A rather nice looking bunker. Very high tech.

Kiba grunts while waking up. Tamaki thanks the heavens that he is okay. He looks around barely able to move without his head throbbing, "Where are we? Are you guys okay?"

Everyone nods and Sai glares at the man standing in front of them.

He recognizes that shagged hair and that beard from anywhere. He seethes in anger as he realizes that this man is the reason for their current situation. He looks up and stands alerting the guards.

The man waves them off as he has no worries. He turns and faces Sai with a smirk. "Well look who's awake."

Sai huffs, "...Koji."


Neji, Shikamaru and Lee have rushed their friends and families to safety under the protection of Kankuro and the joint force of Suna and Konoha ANBU. Shikamaru didn't want to risk exposure by taking a full team so he only chose Neji and Lee as part of his small tactical team.

Sai keeps a tracker hidden on him as does the rest of the guys in case of an event where they are unable to use their phones or are out of a service area. Sai activated his about ten minutes ago and the guys are currently making their way towards his coordinates. 

They still have about a two mile hike to reach the signal. They are traveling by foot with silencers on their weapons. They're also using night vision goggles with infrared vision pulse to avoid traps and remain undetected. Neji peeks through his rifle scope and sees the compound. He marvels at how it looks. 

He whispers to the other two, "Wow. This place is a beaut. Looks very high tech. Whoever is responsible for this is someone with a lot of money to back their motives."

Shikamaru responds, "You're the most accurate shot out of the three of us. Do you feel comfortable covering for us?"

Neji nods, "Yeah but just to be safe, I'll move up another half a mile. That way even if they aim for the trees, they won't notice me up there." He points to a lone hilltop with a small opening. Lee nods and hands Neji some of his rifle ammo. 

"We trust you Neji."

Neji nods and they go their separate ways.

Sai and Koji are still having their stare off. Koji explains himself to the group and Ino gasps. " killed my cousin?!"

Koji shrugs not caring. Ino collapses and Sai catches her at the last second. Koji looks at his watch. "Well, I'd love to chat with you guys a bit more but unfortunately, Uzumaki failed to reach his destination. So, who's it going to be first?"

Sai growls at Koji. 

Koji pulls out a pistol and teases, "Eeny. Meeny. Miney. Moe."

The gun lands on Tamaki causing Kiba to jump and sucker punch Koji who falls back on a table chuckling. His body guards attack Kiba and beat him down. Koji instructs them to hoist Kiba up in front of him. They do so and everyone else's eyes widen. Surely this is a joke. He's bluffing.

Kiba stands to the best of his abilities barely able to maintain consciousness.

Koji pulls out his phone and dials a number. He smiles as soon as the call is answered. "Two minutes have passed. You know what that means."

Everyone else's eyes widen. Sai hitches, 'He wasn't bluffing. I can't let Kiba die like this. Dammit! I told him to watch that temper of his.'

Koji holds the gun right in front of Kiba's face. Kiba struggles to open his eyes to face Koji like a man. Just as Koji pulls the trigger, Kiba and the two guys lose their balance by being pushed down.


Blood splatters on the others and suddenly an ear curling scream is heard. 


The body hits the floor with a sickening thud.

Sai can't believe what just happened. This can't be real. This is a dream.

Lying before them with a hole in her head is Ino. She couldn't bear to lose her friend or have her husband spare himself. So, she took one for the team. She knows that its going to hurt a lot of them with her gone but she couldn't live with herself knowing she let one of them die without doing something about it.

Sai grabs her lifeless body and cries while holding her rocking her back and forth. He wails on and on and one. Koji stands there amused. "Well, that was unexpected."

He then puts the phone back up to his ear. "One down, three to go. Tick tock Uzumaki."


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