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/two weeks later/

Naruka walks in class a bit down. Yusuke stays by her side as she doesn't say much or participate the entire time. Her teacher is worried but doesn't put the little girl on the spot. She will wait til later to speak with the little girl.

During recess, a little boy pushes her, but he doesn't react. One of his friends says to him, "Leave her alone. She's just down because she doesn't have a mommy."

Another adds in, "Yeah. She probably scared her off with that ugly hair and those stupid eyes of hers."

The boys all start laughing and Naruka is on the verge of tears.

/pause in the action/

Remember how in every fanfic, there's always that one friend that's more of a brother than a friend. That in this case is Yusuke. Yusuke is Sasuke's son in more ways than blood. The little boy is just as evil as his father was when the kids picked on Sakura in kindergarten. Sasuke broke one boy's nose just for looking at Sakura wrong. These kids 'said' something to Naruka.

/let's see what happens/

"Apologize to her right now!" a voice growls. The groups of boys turn to see Yusuke there with his fist balled and ready to pounce. One boy doesn't back down, "Why should I?"

Strike one.

Yusuke runs and kicks the boy across the face and looks at the others. "Apologize. Now!" Another boy rushes Yusuke.

Strike two.

Yusuke uses the boys momentum against him leaning back to monkey toss him into the air making him fall back first onto the ground. Yusuke then kips up and glares again. "Say you're sorry to Ruru. Now!" The boys are nervous but don't apologize. The three run at Yusuke.

Strike three.

Naruka has recovered from her hurt and is furious. The boy that pushed her gets dropped kick right in the chest having all of his wind knocked completely out of him. One of the other boys swings at her and she turns to catch his fist. She jumps and knees the boy in the mouth knocking his two front teeth out. She glares at the third who tries to run off but turn right into a kick from Yusuke.

Yusuke walks up the first boy and twists his arm making him scream, "Say you're sorry to Naruka-chan. Or I will break your arm." The boy immediately apologizes and the teachers all rush to break up the fight. Yusuke doesn't show any remorse for his actions and bluntly says, "Next time tell them to leave Naruka-chan alone." He continues walking knowing his mom and dad are about to be notified by the principle.

Naruka, however, is approached by her teacher, who asked Amaru to watch over her class for her. Naruka doesn't look up as she is expecting to be scolded. Her teacher engulfs her in a soft hug. The little girl cries into her shoulder as her teacher lightly rubs her back telling her, "It's okay sweetie. It's okay."

After Naruka calms down a bit, her teacher looks at her, "What's wrong Naruka-san? You haven't been your cheery self today."

Naruka sniffs and looks up at the comforting smile of her teacher.

Naruka sniffs and looks up at the comforting smile of her teacher

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