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Naruka instantly calms down. She sits up in her bed wiping her tears. "I had a very very bad dream."

Hinata sips on her tea and gets a bit more comfortable on her couch. Her natural motherly instincts begin to take over. She doesn't know what came over her. Is it because she knows the truth about the girl's mother? Is it because she knows the pain of growing up without a mother?

Maybe its that reason.

Hinata herself grew up without her mother. She was a Naruka's age now when she first lost her mother. Her mother died from breast cancer. She, along with Hinata's father, was told to not have children because it would cause her cancer to spread at a faster pace than it normally would.

Her mother basically gave nature and the doctors the middle finger because not only did she birth one child...

...she gave birth to three.

Hinata's elder brother, Neji, was the first to be brought into this world. Her father called him a demon spawn as the boy showed no care for anyone in the world from his birth up to Hinata's.

Once Hinata was born, however, Neji's overprotective instincts emerged and he would not share his little sister with anyone. Not even their mother. He wanted to hold Hinata whenever she cried. Feed her. He even tried to figure out how to change Hinata's diaper at two years of age because he didn't want anyone touching his 'wil sisser' as he called her.

Then, when Hinata was four and Neji was just turning seven, their mother gave birth to her final child. Their baby sister Hanabi. Hanabi was the most adorable child ever and was even more possessive than Neji was. Hinata giggled mentally on several occasions remembering the arguments between the two over not wanting to share Hinata.

Hanabi would clutch Hinata's small frame screaming 'MINE!!' while Neji would roll his eyes saying '...she was my sister first you little runt!!!'

When their mother died, Hanabi finally warmed up to her big brother leaning on him who was being strong for his two little sisters and their father. Her father became a bit more strict on them all afterwards and when Neji graduated high school, their father's cold demeanor faded as Neji informed him that he was now old enough to make his own decisions but he would always make sure to keep his father proud.

Hiashi became father of the year after that. He would take off from work and sign the two girls out of school just to take them out to lunch with him going where ever they chose. Every Saturday, whenever Neji came home from school, they would all go out to see a movie or go somewhere to have fun as a family together.

She used to look around at the other families and get a bit jealous at how the mothers were towards their kids both adult and teens.

And now here she is. Somehow this darling little girl bypassed millions of women in this world and chose her to be that mother figure. And the father not once told her not to. He only told the little girl to be careful when around everyone else because of the aspect of gossip.

He didn't want Hinata's reputation to be ruined even though it was an innocent coincidence that the little girl looks like the perfect combination of Hinata and Naruto.

Hinata redirects her attention to the little girl silently thanking whoever is responsible for blessing her with this opportunity.

Unbeknownst to her, a silhouette of a blonde woman is standing over her smiling down at her. She says in a voice that Hinata can't here, 'You're welcome.'

"What was your nightmare about sweetie?"

Naruka sniffs again making Hinata frown in worry. She wants to go over to the Uzumaki household and hold the little girl and rock her to sleep so she can feel safe. But, Hinata knows that would be a bad idea. What explanation can she come up with to give to Naruto for coming to his home at twelve in the morning?

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