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"Wake up sweetie." Naruto says trying to wake his daughter up who is sprawled across her bed. He chuckles at the sight knowing he used to be the same. He can't remember how many times his brother had to dump water on his head to wake him up from his slumber.

He pokes her cheeks, "Time to get up Ruru. You're gonna be late for school." The little girl grunts and rolls over before once hugging her pillow for dear life. Naruto has to stop himself from squealing at the cuteness because she really needs to get up.

He thinks for a moment.

Leaning down he whispers, "There's a giant bowl of Ramen downstairs made by Aunt Ayame."

The young girl's lavender eyes spring to life and she rises instantly now fully awake. The sudden movement causing Naruto to lose his balance and fall off the bed.

She bombards him with questions.


"Are you alright?!"

"Did you break anything?!"

"Where's the ramen!?"

The last question makes Naruto deadpan. 'Yep. She's my daughter alright.'

After going through hell getting his daughter ready and taking her to actually get some ramen, the little girl cried and whined about Naruto lying to wake her up, the two arrive and the Konoha Academy for kids.

After going through hell getting his daughter ready and taking her to actually get some ramen, the little girl cried and whined about Naruto lying to wake her up, the two arrive and the Konoha Academy for kids

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Naruto smiles looking at the school. How he wished it had been built when he was a kid. The school is top 10 in the country in prestige and was designed by Nakamura's before Sai took over as CEO. Sai helps renovate and reconstruct the school to kept it looking beautiful for decades to come.

Naruto opens the large doors and the sounds of kids and their parents are heard throughout to halls. He holds his daughter's hand as the walk to the office to sign her in. He enters the office and instantly facepalms.

Take the one person you've avoided all of your life and place them into your worst nightmare. Take that nightmare, clone it, let it fuck the clone and then spawn a baby. That is an accurate description of the person standing before Naruto at this moment.

She looks up at notices him. She greets him in a flirtatious and sing-song voice, "Heeeeyyyyy Naruto-kun!"

 She greets him in a flirtatious and sing-song voice, "Heeeeyyyyy Naruto-kun!"

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