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/time skip/

Naruto is in his office when his door opens unexpectantly. He sighs not even bothering to look up. "Hitori. I swear on everything that is me this had better be important. I have files to send off so I can go pick my daughter up from school in about an hour."

"Well, you should probably hurry up with that then Narutard."

Naruto looks up recognizing that voice from anywhere. "Koji? Holy crap. It IS you. How you been bro?"

Naruto walks towards the bearded young man with his brown hair slicked back into a ponytail. Koji was one of Naruto and Sasuke's teammates and close friends in high school. Koji was the one to help lead the team to back to back state championships after Naruto and Sasuke graduated. When Shion passed, Koji made sure to keep in close contact with the blonde and raven.

He was there for Sasuke when he and Sakura's divorce was final and stuck around for a while before returning to work. He is the VP of Advertisement for Akimichi's and was handpicked by Chouji himself. Chouji praised the young man for his demeanor which never buckled under pressure during negotiations. Shino and Shikamaru said the man should have been a lawyer along with the infamous Neji of Byakugan's Law Firm.

The two old friends embrace and smile at each other. Koji says to Naruto, "Look at you. And here I thought running a company would stress you to the point of anorexia."

Naruto chuckles, "Its not that bad Koji. You're still as dramatic as ever I see. The young man shrugs agreeing. What are you doing here? As Kara gotten herself in trouble again?"

Koji chuckles, "No. Not yet she hasnt but no I'm here for to bring you the contract for Akimichi's. We want to sponsor the events of Sai and Ino's wedding weekend. Sai and Sasuke agreed and have already signed saying it'd be an honor and all that's left is you. What do you say?"

Naruto smirks, "Oh come on man. You know I'm on board. We all help each other as a team. My cars, Sai's designs, Sasuke's resources and Chouji's restaurants. We've all been partners since we took over our companies. So, of course I'm signing. Maybe after I pick up my daughter we can all go out for dinner. My treat. Lee's in town and he's suppose to be bringing a few friends with him."

Koji shrugs, "Hey. Who am I to turn down free food?"

Naruto chuckles and signs the papers.

Suddenly, the building starts shaking violently. Naruto looks around worriedly before shoving Koji to the floor. "Stay there!"

The shaking stops for about ten seconds before starting up again, this time way more violent than the first. Naruto grabs his radio and calls out through it alerting the entire building. "Code Orange! Code Orange. Earthquake! Everyone get to your designated stations. I repeat. Everyone to your designated stations."

He then dives on the floor as the trembles rock the office. After about five minutes the trembling comes to an end and Naruto helps Koji off the floor. "Sorry about that. It was just impulse." Koji nods, "It's fine. I would have done the same in your position."

Koji then helps Naruto along with, surprisingly, Hitori to check the damage to the building. Thankfully the only damage is a few cabinets tipping over and shelves that were hanging on the walls falling down. Other than that, the building is fine. Naruto then sighs as he knows he will be here all night having to reorganize the entire building.

He goes to retrieve his phone to call and check on his daughter but notices a text from Hinata saying that Naruka and Yusuke are safe. They got out of the school and are unharmed.

Naruto sighs and texts her a thank you back telling her that Sakura will be picking Naruka up with his maid Ruthie because he will have to stay late due to the earthquakes minor damage.

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