Twenty Three

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Sasuke and Sakura's wedding had been postponed due to the untimely death of Nagato. Sasuke wasn't too worried because it gave him and Sai extra time to make sure things were perfect for his wife to be. Ino took the extra time to take the girls out for a spa day to relax and also to help cheer up Karin.

The red head had been shedding tears on and off and even with her husband taking time off to be by her side, her pain only eased a little.

The same can be said about Menma. Menma buried himself in work, or at least tried to. He wanted to distract himself from the pain but only managed to cause even more agony to himself. He would zone out at meetings, forget his paperwork and had stopped eating and sleeping properly. His wife and son noticed but are trying to give him time to heal.

And then, there's Naruto. The blond has shut all of his emotions down and is the only one holding it together. While at the rest of his family are suffering, he is taking care of the company on his own. Of course with the assistance of Gaara and the other VPs. Hinata has been worried but he always assures her that he is fine in a very comforting and believable voice.

The ladies arrive at the spa and every single one of them deadpan with the exception of Hinata. They look at the sign and facepalm. Why? Just...why?

Hinata looks at them confused. "What's wrong? You guys looked disgusted!"

Temari places a hand on her back. "Hina. I wish I had your innocence. But unfortunately I married the man who is friends with a guy who's godfather is the biggest pervert in all of creation. Both sides of creation."

The other women nod in agreement and depression.

Hinata is more curious than worried now. "What do you mean?"

Tenten looks at her. "Have you never heard of the books and magazines Icha Icha Paradise?"

Hinata turns red. "Y-you m-mean the ones w-with t-the n-naked w-women?!" The others nod.

She then looks up at the sign and deadpans herself. "Why is this spa named...please don't tell me the same guy owns this?"

Everyone nods while sulking.

They walk in expecting the worse and are blown away by the inside of the spa. It looks more like a mall than a spa. There are areas designated for everything. Facials, body treatment, manicure, pedicure, steam rooms, upper and lower body massage, etc.

Each area has its own entrance given the spa a more relaxing feel. The women are very, VERY surprised by this. And are even more surprised when they see that it's run by a woman and not the pervert they had in mind.

"Hello ladies. I'm Amora, the manager of this fine establishment. I take it that this is your first time here?" she says holding a laugh back at their expressions.

She then notices Ino. "Oh. You're Miss Haruno. I take it that this is the Haruno plus 6 party?"

Ino nods still looking around as they all point at various locations. Amora smiles, "Well. This way ladies. Mr Jiraiya told us to make sure we take very special care of his girls. He said he wants you looking your best for your upcoming wedding."

Karin gasps, "My god-father said what now?"

Amora giggles, "Yes. The great pervert actually showed a gentle side. I guess he has a soft spot for you girls as nothing perverse approaches his lips. I, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Had to sock him in the eye a few times for making statements about my tush."

She walks ahead of them and everyone looks at her backside. Temari says out loud, "Well damn. I can see why? You can bounce a quarter off that thing." Amora laughs at her and leads them to their dressing room.

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