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Not sure if you guys know this, but God has a sense of humor that cannot be matched by anyone alive nor dead. He knows when to put someone in the most awkward of positions they could have ever dreamed of for his personal amusement.

That being said...

Naruto wakes up but his eyes are still closed as he is in the most comfortable position imagined. He feels a weight on his arms and chest and smiles to himself. The faint scent of both bubble gum and lavender hit his nostrils as he takes in a deep breath. He smiles knowing all to well that his daughter is responsible for the familiar scent of bubble gum.

He pauses and his smiling face fades away and is replaced by a panicked one. The blonde hair and bubble gum scent he knows for sure belongs to his daughter who is lying under his embrace on the left side.

She has her mouth in a straight line occasionally smiling in her sleep. Her small frame rises and descends whenever she takes in a breath.

Naruto's wide eyes slowly glance over to the owner of some beautiful midnight blue hair and lavender scent that's enticing him at the moment.

His mind then goes back to the events of the night and he realizes that the person tucked under his embrace on his right side, the woman who's head his resting on his chest, the woman who has her arm wrapped around his and his daughter's body, the woman who's pink lips are slightly parted as she peacefully rests in his arms...

...is none other than Hinata Hyuga.

'Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!' his mind panics.

'I slept with Hinata. Well...not in THAT way but still...I SLEPT with Hinata!!!!' he begins to sweat and his heart rate increases as the nervousness and panics begins to overtake him.

He then tries to figure out exactly how in the hell did he end up in the middle and used as a pillow. Last thing he remembers was blushing because his daughter wanted him and Hinata to tell each other goodnight and they love each other. Naruto was about to tell her but then heard light snoring from his daughter and a sigh of relief from Hinata across from him.

He then remembers their hands touching for a moment before their fingers interlocked on their own as the two adults embraced the little bundle in a protective and loving warmth. Naruto literally blushed his way to sleep. And so did Hinata. In her dreams, she met a woman with purple hair and hazel eyes along with Shion. They squealed in excitement at the cuteness of the scene making Hinata blush both in reality and in her dreams.

Hinata stirs in her sleep making Naruto quickly lie back down and close his eyes as if he's still asleep. She opens her eyes slowly and lightly squeezes Naruka's hand before noticing she's laying on Naruto's chest.

A deep blush appears on her face and she panics but doesn't move. Her heart rate then increases ten fold as she honestly doesn't know what to do.

A snort followed by a chuckle snaps her out of her panicked state. She looks up and blue eyes are settled in on her own lavender ones.

She gasps a bit but is met with a charming smile.

"Good morning..." he says with a small yet bright smile on his face. Hinata stares for a moment shocked at that smile being targeted towards her.

She then blinks before smiling herself, "Good morning, Naruto-kun."

/with Sasuke and Sai/

Sasuke facepalms.

Sai rolls his eyes while folding his arms and grunts grunts in frustration.

"You had one job. One job Hitori." Sasuke says holding up one finger towards the young man who is standing there without a care in the world.

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