Thirty Five

104 3 2

Neji's blood runs cold when he hears Shikamaru's message. Hinata. HIS little sister Hinata. And his 'niece'? His usually cool demeanor changes to rage as he looks through the scope trying to locate the guy in charge.

To his dismay, he not only finds to room that Hinata is in, but it looks as though the guy is looking right in his direction. The guys grabs some binoculars and peeks out the window again.

Neji activates the subzero feature on his gear which shields his body heat making him blend in with his surroundings. Apparently it worked because the man focuses his attention back on Hinata.

After relaying the message to Shikamaru and Lee, they receive some interference.

"Hello Shadow, Byakugan and Hurricane."

Shikamaru recognizes the voice, "Genjustu. Good to hear from you."

Shisui speaks again through the radio, "Me, Itachi and Menma are on our way to assist you guys. But you guys should know, Naruto is sacrificing himself to either buy us time for this rescue or end this in general. Either way, we need to be swift. We're about two clicks out."

Lee responds as Shikamaru is playing the last charge. "Copy that. Last charge is planted and you guys have three minutes."

Meanwhile, Naruto has collapsed to his knees. He's still trying to save everyone he know but piece by piece is being ripped away from him.

Hinata and holding Naruka for dear life. She woke up in a dark room with Naruka by her side. Shortly afterwards, the two were transported to some kind of facility. Now, she is sitting staring at a guy who claimed to be Naruto's friend.

"Why are you doing this?"

He sighs, "I've explained this so many times today. Because I want Naruto Uzumaki to suffer by taking away everything that makes him who he is!!!!"

Hinata gasps.

Naruka grunts, "My daddy's gonna kick your butt."

Koji looks at his men and laugh. "That was sweet. Touching even." He then looks at her serious. "Take her."

Hinata screams as one of the men take Naruka.

"Wait! No! Don't do this please!"

Koji slaps her with his gun. Not only does this catch Hinata off guard, but she nearly loses consciousness. "Who...the hell...told you to talk bitch?!" he sneers.

Hinata's lip is busted and her face turns purple almost immediately. Her jaw slowly begins to swell.

Koji laughs, "Oh my dear. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's look so much like the love of my life." His face then turns sour, "And if I can't have you one can."

'Shion?' Hinata's eyes widen.

"Wait...w-wait...I'm not..."

Her sentence is cut short when he punches her in the face again. Several times even. Hinata's face now sports cuts and bruises but she fights to maintain her consciousness because of Naruka. The little girl is crying loudly.

Koji snaps, "Shut up! Shut up you little brat!!!"

He points his gun towards the little girl and she flinches but quiets down to light sobs. Hinata now has tears flowing down her cheeks. She silently prays to herself, 'Naruto-kun. Pleases. Please come save us.'

Naruto, however, is on his knees about to have a mental breakdown. Not only does he have to hear Koji brutally beat and torture his girlfriend, but he just witness the death of his best friend and god mother.

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