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Lavender eyes fly open. Tears are streaming from them and they scan the room around them. The owner of these purple lillies tries to sit up but pain takes over and she falls back to the bed she is laying in.

'What the hell?'

She thinks to herself. Her vision clears up and she notices some familiar colored hair. Blonde. Short. And spiky.

She unintentionally speaks out loud, "Naruto-kun?"

The head lifts and much to her surprise, it is indeed who she thought it was. It is Naruto. He's alive. And he's right by her side.

Naruto sees that she's awake and cradles her. He's crying like a baby happy that she woke up. He thought he'd lost her for good. He kisses her forehead and kisses her lips. She doesn't refuse him but she is still confused. It's okay that he's here and showering her with love...

But didn't she see him get blown up?

She scans his body and sees no cuts, burns or bruises. She's very confused now.

She asks, "Where's Naruka?"

Naruto looks down at her wiping his tears. "She's with my mom and dad. Do you want to see her? Hang on."

Naruto leaves as her lavender eyes widen. Aren't they dead? Does that mean Naruka's dead? Wait...does that mean that she is dead?

She now lays there both confused and bummed out. Not only is she dead but she's dead and in a hospital bed. Life is cruel as heck but death is a totally different story.

To her surprise, her hospital room door opens and in comes Naruto holding Naruka. Also, Naruto's mom and dad and...


The long haired blonde rushes to the bedside and squeezes the life out of the young woman. "Ino...I don't think she can breathe."

Ino let's her go while wiping happy tears from her eyes. This is getting weird. Naruto lies Naruka in her arms and she looks down holding her daughter tightly. She's real. I guess. Unless this is heaven.

Which would explain why Sasuke's not...

"We heard she was awake."


She looks up and sees those dark eyes filled with shock, happiness and concern aimed at her with another person. The pink hair is a dead give away as she knows that it's Sakura.

She looks back down at Naruka and gets really puzzled. She could have sworn she was bigger than this the last time she saw her.

She looks at everyone who's looking at her with raised eyebrows. Naruto finally asks, "Babe. Are you okay?"

'Babe? Oh my gosh.'

She nods no. "I thought you were all dead."

Kushina jumps back, "Us. Why us?"

"I don't know. Just a feeling or deja vu or something."

"We thought you were dead." Sakura speaks up.

"Why's that?"

Naruto sits in the bed after motioned for everyone to leave. He looks her directly in the eyes. "You flatlined three times."

"Huh. What happened?"



"You were hit by a drunk driver..."

Her eyes widen...no

Naruto finally says her name "...Shion."

...to be continued

Shion wakes up after having a somewhat premonition of what's to come

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Shion wakes up after having a somewhat premonition of what's to come. Can she change the future and protect her friends and family? But the most important question is...can she allow her Naruto to love another woman?

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