Thiry Six

105 3 1

A raven haired man struggles to his feet lifting a wounded blonde with him. He winced and shakes his head trying to get the ringing sound out of his ears.

That damn explosion was not fun. was annoying.


Sasuke floors the car as he is on his way to rendezvous with Sakura and Yusuke before taking Tsunade to the hospital. He hears a beeping sound that is out of the ordinary.

He slows the car down and the sound gets louder. His eyes widen as he opens the driver door and grabs Tsunade yanking her with him as he throws himself from the car. They tumble on the ground a few feet before the car explodes sending parts and debris everywhere.

The heat and force of the explosion pushes Sasuke and Tsunade across the gravel giving the two road rash. Sasuke grunts standing to his feet with Tsunade in tow.

He pulls his phone out and calls Sakura telling her where to meet him and to hurry. Within seconds, Sakura is before them and she runs to help Tsunade after seeing the condition her former mentor and idol is in.

Sasuke is injured and still tries to drive but Sakura makes him get in the passenger seat. She floors it to get them to the hospital ASAP. Sasuke looks at her with wide eyes. Not out of fear. Out of amusement.

Sakura. His Sakura. Actually knows how to go over the speed limit. 'I've never been more proud.'

Tsunade grunts get louder as she fights to stay awake. Yusuke is helping her by constantly giving her water to drink and applying pressure on her back where her wound is open. Luckily for her the bullet went straight through. Unfortunately, she has lost a lot of blood.

Sakura finally arrives at the hospital and runs inside. The staff and more personnel rush out to tend to Tsunade. Why not Sasuke? Because he keep saying he's fine despite having a possible broken collarbone and concussion. Yusuke begs his dad to let the doctors take care of him. Sakura pleads with him as well.

He sighs and gives in and goes to receive treatment fir his injuries.

Naruto is sitting on his front porch waiting for Koji's phone call. He looks to be...meditating.

His surface is calm and cool but if one were to search underneath that bravado...the story would be completely opposite.

His phone ring and d he answers without opening his eyes.

"Yes you bastard?"

"You and Sasuke seriously have some issues you two need to work out."

"Sakura? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Yusuke's fine. We're at the hospital."

"Hospital? Why?"

"We're here with Tsunade-sama and Sasuke-kun."

Naruto opens his eyes and jumps up. "Wait...they're alive?!"

"Yes. Sasuke jumped out the car with them both but he broke his collarbone in the process. The doctors have taken Tsunade-sama into surgery but said she should be fine."

Naruto takes a relaxing breath while holding his chest. "Thank GOD."

He then gets serious, "Sakura. Listen to me. As soon as teme gets out of surgery request a double room with him and granny. That gun Sasuke had...keep it close until you hear from me."

Sakura wants to question him but she opts out. "Okay. Don't worry. I'll keep us safe. You go finish whatever this is."

Naruto then goes back into demon mode and makes Sakura shiver with his voice. "Don't worry. I plan to."

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