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"Star point guard, Naruto Uzumaki has brought life back to the Konoha Kyuubi! He put up 27 pts in the third quarter by himself and that earlier ankle injury doesn't seem to be affecting him at all."

"That's right Guy. He has put his team on his shoulders and is carrying them to a comeback. And it looks like...yes! Sasuke Uchiha is returning to the court as well. He had a very nasty collision earlier with Kankuro Sabaku of the Suna Sands. But looks to be raring to go."

"It's fourth quarter Kakashi and the Kyuubi have twelve minutes to retake control of this game. They were down by thirty eight before Naruto Uzumaki went on that scoring rampage. Now down by only eleven heading into the fourth, let's see what this youthful basketball team has left in the last game of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha's high school careers."

/on the sideline/

"Naruto-kun!!" a voice shouts out to the long haired blonde who turns his blue eyes towards the crowd and smiles immediately.

He stands and waves to his mother, father, older brother and sister-n-law before locking eyes with the source of his happiness. His light blonde girlfriend smiles happily at him with her lavender tinted eyes. Beside her, her cousin and best friend also wave at him cheering loudly. He chuckles and taps his best friend's shoulder getting his attention.

The raven looks up and smiles as well shaking his head. "Why are they ALWAYS so dramatic?" the raven asks beginning to chuckle.

Naruto looks back at him, "It could be worse. Your mom and Itachi could have been here as well. And my cousin too. You know how loud she can..."


"" Naruto finishes with a sigh.

They looks over at the red head who is making her way towards the others. She throws up a victory sign before cheering very loudly. Both boys facepalm in embarrassment. The raven, Sasuke, looks up and sees his parents and older brother arrive.

The happiness on his face can not be hidden and he waves cheerfully at them.

Coach Iruka gets their attention and they turn back to the team to get focused.

"Alright guys. Its the fourth quarter and Uchiha," he turns his attention to Sasuke. "'s good to have you back son. Now, we're down by eleven but that means nothing. We were down by more but you guys fought and fought all throughout the third quarter and brought us back this much. Let's keep that same energy. Give everything you have to finish this game. Win or lose, we'll still be champions because we gave our all. Now, hands in!!"

Naruto takes over, "Alright guys. Let's give our fans a show! Kyuubi on three. One! Two! Three!"

The team shouts, "KYUUBI!!!"

The visiting crowd from Konoha cheers loudly for their Kyuubi. Naruto once again looks to the crowd at his girlfriend. She gives him a thumbs up and blows him a kiss. He mouths, "I love you." to her making her blush deeply as he only tells her that when they're alone.

Sasuke walks by and pats his back, "Dude. Stop drooling. We have a game to win."

Naruto glares playfully at his friend and then closes his eyes as his conscious begins to speak to him, 'This is your last dance. Show then what you're made of Kit.' Naruto opens his eyes almost demonic like at the ref blows the whistle.

/time skip/

There's now 2:13 left in the game and the Kyuubi are down by five. Sasuke has scored 15pts from the 3-point line off of an assist from Naruto each time. They have managed to get Suna's star center, Kankuro, to foul out of the game but his brother, Gaara, hasn't missed a shot the entire quarter.

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