Thrity Seven

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Before Naruto can get his hands on Koji, the other man steps forward.

Naruto's attention shifts towards the familiar man. The man then speaks, "Let me soften him up for you Koji. I have my own vendetta against him. After all, he DID take MY Hinata."

Naruto thinks about what the guys says and closes his eyes chuckling like a mad man. "So, that's where I know you from. You're that bastard from the airport that got curved by Hinata in front of everyone."

Naruto looks at him with tight eyes and a glare. "Toneri. You picked the wrong side and the wrong guy to fuck with."

After saying that, Naruto moves in a quick motion and palms Toneri in the throat shattering his trachea. Toneri grabs his throat gasping for air and coughing up blood at the same time. Koji looks in awe and fear at how fast and deadly Naruto actually is.

Toneri looks at Naruto with wide eyes. Naruto then leaves Toneri with one last thought, 'Never fuck...with a man's family.'

Naruto then cracks Toneri in the face with his knee. Toneri's mouth and nose begin to leak blood and with one powerful kick, Toneri's neck snaps.

He was dead before he even hit the ground.

Koji stands there shellshocked. He knew about Sasuke's fighting ability which is why he chose to blow him up. He knew how dangerous Shisui, Itachi and Menma were, which is what lead to him having a backup plan to take them out of the equation.

Never in a million years did he except Naruto to be the most dangerous of them. Naruto's attention turns towards Koji.

Koji takes a huge gulp trying to rid himself of the huge lump in his throat.

He backs up as Naruto rises to his feet.

Without even a hitch or warning, he lunges at Koji. Koji ducks and dodges getting out of the way. Naruto is throwing sharp punches and Koji is barely able to avoid contact.

Naruto goes to sweep Koji's legs and clips him so hard the man flips and lands on his upper back.

He grunts loudly and gets back to his feet. Naruto continues to attack him this time landing a few blows. The first couple of body shots knock the wind out of Koji.

He jumps back to take a breath and realizes that he probably shouldn't have been so cocky as to throw his gun away as well.


He see Naruto's gun and runs to retrieve it. With a satisfied smirk he points the 50 caliber pistol at Naruto who doesn't flinch or even show fear.

Koji smiles maniacally, "Oh how I have waited so many years to tell you this."

He cocks the pistol.

"Die Uzumaki."


Shikamaru and Lee hop in the van and rush to Neji's extraction point. Naruka's clutching on to Shikamaru afraid that she would be kidnapped again.

Shikamaru calls Neji's phone to avoid revealing their location. Neji answers while jogging through the thick forest. "Hello. Did you guys okay out okay?"

"Yeah we did. We're headed to you now. Couldn't risk using the radios since he may catch on to us. Where are you?"

"I'm about five minutes out. Make sure Lee has the lights off and he is using his night vision goggles. We want to stay as low key as possible."

"Good point. I have mine on as well to help guide him to you. Be careful Neji."

"You too." Neji ends the call and attaches a new silencer to his pistol. He doesn't need any surprises so he prepares for the worse. He paces himself while walking through the thick brushes using his night vision goggles to maneuver through this vast jungle.

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