Twenty Nine

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Hinata arrives to Naruto's...I mean...Hinata arrives home and sees Ruthie standing in the porch. Naruka went with Sakura to Give Hinata enough time to set up for the after party.

Ruthie helps the young woman with the groceries she gathered. She raises an eyebrow at the massive amounts of cup ramen making Hinata giggle sheepishly.

As they grab the last few bags, a silver Nissan 370Z pulls up. They look at each other puzzled. A bearded man gets out with a younger man.

Ruthie recognizes the two and lowers her guard. "Hello Hitori. I thought you were at the coliseum with Mr Uzumaki."

The young boy's aura darkens. "There's been an incident."

Hinata worries, "Is Naruto-kun okay?"

Hitori's playful side tries to creep out, 'Naruto-kun. Oh THAT would explain his wet dreams while wide awake.'

He shakes his serious side back out. "Mr Uzumaki's fine. But Mr Sabaku...was shot. He died a few minutes afterwards."

Hinata gasps. Ruthie is somewhat suspicious. She asks, "If that just happened then why are you here?"

"We were sent by Mr Uzumaki and Mr Hyuga to keep everyone here safe. The others are coming any minute right?"

Hinata nods and motions for everyone to come into the house. They call the others and tell them to hurry over as everyone else has started to hear the news about Gaara.

Ruthie approaches the other man that came with Hitori. "I know you. You're also a friend of Mr Uzumaki, correct?"

He looks at her with worried eyes. He sighs running his hand through his hair. "Yeah I am. We went to college together but life and work has limited our time together."

She nods and smiles motherly at him. "Come on. Let me get you some tea. Camomile should help calm those nerves."

He smiles back finally, "Yes. With a hint of honey and lemon too if you don't mind."

Ruthie smiles as the man walks into the kitchen before her. Her smile dissipates as he walks away. There's something about him that runs her the wrong way.

Sakura is the first to arrive. Unbeknownst to her, she was followed by a dark colored Chrysler 300. The car pulls up and parks a few blocks away from the house. Several people exit the vehicle and begin walking towards the home wielding semi automatic firearms.

Sakura knocks in the door and Hinata opens it. They embrace immediately and Hinata hugs her daughter and nephew.

"Am i the first one to make it?"

Hinata nods, "Yeah. Ino and the others are still caught in traffic because of the police detours and road blocks. They'll be a bit behind."

As the two women talk with each other, Sakura's phone rings.

"Hello! Babe?! Where are you guys?!"

"Sakura. It's Naruto. Are you at my house?"

"Yeah I am. Where are you?"

"Sakura. Listen to me. Don't panic or make up a huge fuss. I need you to get everyone of out the house and somewhere safe right now!"

"What?! What's going on..."

Another voice cuts her off, "Sakura don't be annoying right now with the questions. Please just do what he says. Okay? Trust us."

Sakura knows it's serious by their tones. "Okay. I will handle everything."


Naruto hangs up and speeds through traffic heading towards his house. Sasuke reaches behind the seat and grabs his duffle. He pulls out his two desert eagles and hands one to Naruto. Naruto nods before tightening his grip and speeding off.

Sakura tells Hinata and Ruthie, "Hey. Don't ask but we need to go. It's not safe for us here. We need to go and we need to go now."

The two other women nod and go off to retrieve essential items. Sakura is gathering the kids when Hitori walks in. "Hey. What's going on?"

She looks around and whispers to him, "Naruto called. He said it's too dangerous for us to be here and we have to go." Hitori nods and helps her take the kids out. However, as soon as they step outside, both adults are hit with the butts of AR-15s and knocked out cold.

A little girl's scream catches the attention of the other adults in the house. Everyone runs towards that direction and sees Sakura and Hitori unconscious with Yusuke lying on Sakura having been knocked out himself trying to defend his mother.

Hinata rushes over and is tackled to the ground roughly. Ruthie runs to help but is struck across the face with a .45. She falls to the ground and winces in pain.

The other adult male looks at the intruders before taking a fighting stance. They surround him as he anticipates their movements. Hinata looks at him pleadingly.

He looks at her before smirking and winking his eye. She looks confused. He screams and runs...

...straight at her. Hinata's eyes widen as does Ruthie's. He kicks Hinata across her face knocking her out cold. The other men chuckle. One with shagged hair snickers, "Damn boss. You really are ruthless."

He chuckles, "Pay attention. And you might learn a thing or two. Unlike Lyon." He then stretches. "I love it when a plan goes on." and locks eyes with Ruthie.

She looks up horrified.


Her culprit smiles at her.

"You were responsible for this?"

He nods confidently while grabbing Hinata by her hair roughly and drags her towards the door.

Ruthie frowns while holding her head. "I thought you were Naruto's friend."

He stops at the door and looks back, "Some friend. He doesn't even know how much I truly hate his existence. I've been waiting so long to take him out. He took something from me a long time ago. So, I'm taking everything from him now."

Ruthie grunts while crawling away. The guys snicker and stuff a tied up Naruka and unconscious Hinata in a black sedan. At this point, Hinata and Naruka would be taken.

That's when Ruthie springs to her feet and rain down swift kicks on the guys that are still in the house. She snaps one of the men's neck and wrestled a gun from the other before shattering his spine with a precise elbow.

In a quick series of well timed and calculated strikes, all of her opposition is lying before her feet lifeless.

The boss sits there wide eyed as four of his best guys were taken out with ease. By a maid. What the hell?

Ruthie grabs her hair and snatched off a wig revealing her real hair and peels off the mask of makeup that makes her look very elderly.

She looks him directly in his eyes with a very smug glare.

"I'm Special Agent Tsunade Senju of the Konoha ANBU. And you are under arrest you ass!"

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