Thirty Four

112 3 1

Naruto drops his phone with wide eyes.

What has he gotten everyone into? He has to take control of the situation otherwise someone else will get hurt. He can't let another friend die because of him.

Dammit!! If he would have known things would get this bad in the future, he would have taken one for the team and let Koji be with Shion instead.

Sasuke knows that look. Someone else has died. Fuck!! He's going to kill Koji with his bare hands when he sees him.

Naruto looks at the group. "Itachi. Shisui. I need you guys to go find Shikamaru and the others. Sasuke, I need you to take me home...and leave me there alone."

Sasuke snaps, "Dobe have you lost your mind. That's what Koji wants. He wants to get you by yourself."

Naruto looks at him, "That's exactly why I'm doing this. If Koji has me then that means everyone else will be safe. Or at least I will have his attention long enough for everyone to to be saved. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

Naruto looks at Yusuke and ruffles his hair, "Yuzzy, I want you to look out for Ruru for me okay? Keep her safe and always have her back." The little boy nods and begans to cry. Naruto hugs him and gives him his necklace.

Yusuke wipes his tears and gives Naruto a confident look. "I promise I will Uncle Naruto."

Naruto smiles at him. He then looks at Sakura. "Sakura...take care of Hinata for me?" He then hugs her and her eyes widen when he whispers something in her ear. She looks at him with tears starting to form in her eyes. She nods letting them fall freely.

He looks at the two older Uchiha. "Guys...I..."

Itachi hugs him. "Don't worry. We'll give Menma back his Icha Icha books."

Naruto deadpans.

"That's not what I was gonna say but alright."

He and Sasuke get into the car and drive off.

Naruto keeps trying to talk to Sasuke but the latter won't let him say goodbye. "Save that shit for someone else. You're not going to die. I won't let you. We're going to save the others. We're going to save your family. And wet going to"

Naruto smiles knowing Sasuke has always had his back. He couldn't have asked fir a better friend to have his entire life. They've grown side by side in everything. Sports, age, girls, fatherhood and business owners. They've always been side by side. However, only Naruto knows the truth.

'Sorry Sasuke. I won't be coming back this time...'

Koji gets a call saying another package has arrived so he leaves his head man Cadence in charged. Cadence is very short tempered and doesn't play around like Koji does. If it were up to him, he'd have killed Naruto in his office without a care in the world.

Kiba is still glaring at a lifeless Sai who looks at him as if he's planning something. Kiba wants so badly to rip Sai's face off but his anger has already gotten him in trouble twice.

Koji walks into another room and smiles when he sees his guests. "Hello you two. Glad you could join us here."

The two look at him with fear written on their faces.

Shikamaru and Lee make it to the side gate on the compound. They have been take their time planting small explosive charges around the complex area. They are going to destroy this place and pave a path for their own escape route.

Neji is peers through his scope and alerts Shikamaru and Lee about a gunshot he heard. No more than two or three minutes later, he hears another. Hoping it's not worst case scenario, he fights back to desire to start firing upon the compound.

Shikamaru lights up his vision pulse and locates Sai and Kiba. His breath falters when he sees Ino and Tamaki dead. He grunts and sees two new heat signatures that weren't their before.

He zooms in and sure enough, it exactly who he hoped were elsewhere. He hesitantly tells Neji.

"Byakugan do you copy?"

"Go ahead Shadow."

He sighs, "Two friendlies are down. However, tow more have been transported here."

"Any idea as to who they are?"

"Yes. It's Naruka and Hinata. Your sister is here Neji."

Sasuke and Naruto arrive at Naruto's house finally. The nearly puke at the sight of so many dead corpses scattered across the yard. Naruto looks at his doorway and sees a deceased Hitori. He and Sasuke run up and pay a silent tribute to him.

Naruto pats his former intern's head. "Good job Hitori."

Coughing causes both men to raise their guns. The tiptoe towards the direction the sound came from. As they get closer Naruto speeds up into a full sprint. He runs by her side and lifts her up in his arms. "Hey Granny."

She smiles weakly at him. "If I weren't hurting right now, I'd kick your ass."

He smiles again as Sasuke walks up. Tsunade smiles, "Ah. Both of my boys are here. Must be my birthday."

They smile at her. Naruto looks at Sasuke. Teme. Get her to the hospital as soon as you can. She's not going to die. Not like this."

Sasuke wants to object but Naruto makes sense. Tsunade deserves better. She deserves to live. And she will.

"No problem dobe. I'll make sure I get her there on time. You be careful. And finish this."

Naruto nods and helps Sasuke get Tsunade into the car. Sasuke peels out of the parking lot in a hurry. Just as he leaves, Naruto's phone rings again.

"I'm at my house Koji. Nice of you to decorate my yard."

Koji chuckles, "It was lacking more in the crimson department."

Naruto grunts, "Look you have me by myself. There's no reason to get anyone else involved."

Koji starts, "You're right Uzumaki. You are absolutely right. But that's the thing...being right is so boring. So boring. It lack that explosion of raw emotion that's overshadowed whe someone is right."

Koji then chuckles, "Here. Let me show you."

Koji presses a button on a small Grey remote and next thing you know....


"That's the direction Sasuke no no TEME!!!!!!!!!"

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