Twenty Two

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As they ride in the limousine in route to the burial grounds, Naruto stares out the window with Naruka the whole while supporting Hinata on his shoulder. She mentioned earlier that her mother was also laid to rest at these grounds and she gets emotional any time she visits.

Menma sighs deeply and tells her that him and Naruto's parents are their as well as Sasuke and Itachi's mother and Karin's mother.

Hinata gasps as she realizes nearly the entire group will be washed over by a wave of emotions once they step foot on those sacred grounds. Without another word, they wait both patiently and dreadfully for the limousine to come to a stop. The men help the women and children step out and then part ways to retrieve the casket containing Nagato.

They slide it out gently and then all grunt when it's time to lift it. "Dammit! This things heavy as hell!" Chouji grunts out with Shikamaru muttering 'Troublesome.'

Sai sighs mid grunt and mutters, "Let's all agree to never let Ino plan the funeral arrangements for ANYONE else from here on out."

All the guys nod quickly, "AGREED!"

Sakura is biting her tongue trying not to giggle at the sight before her and Tenten and Temari cover their faces trying their hardest not to laugh. Tamaki, Hinata and Samui are failing miserably as their light giggles can be heard earning them glares from the men.

Karin is crying still but from the sight of these twelve fully grown men struggling to hold a casket. Ayame, Shizuka and Karui facepalm while Ino and Jhala shake their heads in disappointment.

Karui scolds her husband, "Seriously Chouji?! You play football professionally and you can't lift a casket?"

Chouji glares at her, "So does your brother and I don't see you saying anything to him about it!!"

Darui glares at him, "This damn thing weighs a freaking ton and who the hell decided that the damn hearse would parked thirty feet from the grave?"

Everyone stops moving and slowly glares at Ino who looks the other way pretending to observe some flowers.

Hitori walks up, "Hey. Can I help?"

Everyone looks at him with a crazed look and yell, "NO!"

He rolls his eyes and goes to the front of the casket anyway and lifts it. To everyone's surprise, the casket becomes much lighter. Naruto is especially shocked and he and Sasuke share and smug look. Sai catches on and whispers to the young man, " Jhala didn't give you none did she?"

Hitori turns red and glares at the man while the other guys laugh at his embarrassment. Luckily for them, they've already sat the casket down.

The men rest near their wives with the exception of Lee who is still single.

Ino gives them an apologetic smile and they roll their eyes at her.

The priest clears his throat and they prepare the burial. Surprisingly, no one is as emotional as they thought they'd be watching Nagato be fully laid to rest. Everyone looks down and multiple sighs can be heard from the family. They reveal Nagato's grave stone. He is laid to rest right at the feet of his wife, Karin's lovely mother, Konan. To his left is his darling little sister as he called her, Menma and Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze. To his right, his sister's best friend and his greatest annoyance, Itachi and Sasuke's mother, Mikoto Uchiha. Rested just above Kushina's head, her loving husband, father of Menma and Naruto, Minato Namikaze.

 Rested just above Kushina's head, her loving husband, father of Menma and Naruto, Minato Namikaze

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