Thirty Eight

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Kiba smirks.

He's the mastermind behind everything. He's been slowly putting things in motion and plotting against Naruto. For years. Decades even.

"Why Kiba? Why?"

Kiba chuckles, "Why? Hmmm...where do I begin? How about when we were in preschool."

Naruto scoffs, "We weren't in preschool together. I didn't meet you until first grade."

Kiba sneers, "Yeah. Goes to show how much you paid attention to your surroundings. I was the kid who everybody called dog poop. And if I remember correctly, you and Uchiha started all of it."

Naruto snaps back, "That's where you're wrong. I told everyone to stop calling you that. And had you paid any attention, you would have realized I tried to be your friend that day and make everyone apologize."

Kiba rolls his eyes, "Yeah right. Just like you tried to get Ino to go to the dance with me as a dare."

"That's wasn't a dare Kiba. She just wasn't into you."

"Yeah because all of her attention was on you. You. What's so special about you? Not only did you have the woman I was in love with attention, you had my dad angry with me because I wasn't you. I took countless beatings and was scolded for not being you!!!"

Naruto tries to plead with him, "Kiba I didn't know that. If I had known..."

Kiba cuts him off, "You would have what? What could you have done Naruto? Other than die? Well guess what? You won't have any choice after tonight. You WILL die tonight by my hands. Just like that bastard did."

Naruto's eyes widen, "Wait...I thought you dad died in a work related accident."

Kiba chuckles, "Yeah. That's the report my mom gave the police. Truth is...the son of a bitch was cleaning the gutter and my hands 'slipped' and he fell backwards onto our gate. Seeing him impaled through the heart was somewhat poetic since he never had one."

He continues, "That exhilaration. That thrill of seeing someone dead by my hands. That was it. That's what I needed to rid myself of the anguish that had been in my life for years. I knew what I had to do. I had to get revenge on all of those who ever teased me, looked down on me or treated me like trash. And who would have thought, that all those people had one thing in common. You."

"And what's funny one ever once noticed the resemblance between me and my brother."

Naruto scoffs, "Brother? What brot...? No! Koji?!"

"Yes. Koji is my half brother. I found out who he was at my bastard father's funeral. He saw Shion and fell in love at first sight. I knew how he felt since I felt the same for Ino. You have no idea how many nights I wished that I was her pillow. Or even her bedsheets. How many times she'd walk by and her scent would entice me. But no. She never looked my way. Neither did Shion to my brother. They were too busy fighting over you."

Naruto grunts, "Why kill everyone?"

"Because we wanted you to feel the pain we all felt when you got Shion pregnant. That broke Ino's heart as she was still in love with you. It pissed me off seeing the woman I love still in love with the bastard that got her cousin pregnant. Koji's world crashed to the point where he transferred schools. He graduated in Kusa and waited a few years before coming to Konoha U. That's when I told him my plan."

"Our plan to get rid of you and everything and everyone a part of you. Of course I wanted to take out Uchiha first. For one he's an asshole. For two he's your best friend. But Koji wanted to go deeper. Once we found out that Shion was pregnant with your second child, we knew we couldn't let you be happy any longer. We decided to take your father and work our way up.

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