Mid-Book Finale

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It doesn't matter how much you try to hide the pain of loss. It doesn't matter who or what comes into your life and makes it better. It doesn't matter how successful you are or how popular you are in society. When you gain one thing you will eventually lose something else.

Because reality and the world always proves my statement to be true...

Fairytale Happiness does not exist.


Next time in Fairytale Happiness...

(cue the video)
The Uzumakis and their family and friends attend Nagato's funeral. Karin breaks down and is helped away by Menma and Darui. Naruto stays staring at the grave while everyone leaves. Hinata wants to stay behind but Sasuke tells her that he needs time alone.


Hinata and Naruka are kidnapped and held for ransom by familiar faces. Naruto's true source of misery is revealed.

"You took my life from me Uzumaki. So, I'm taking everything and everyone in your life from you."

"Tick tock."

"Time's up."



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