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Naruto is stuck at his job again because Hitori lost the files for the approval to bring in the new cars and Naruto fired the intern again. Sasuke offered to go pick Naruka up from school and take her over to Sakura's for Naruto.

"Uncle Sasuke!!"


Sasuke hears the two voices almost as soon as he gets out of the car. He waves to their dark blue haired teacher and loads the children up in the car. He turns on a movie for the kids to watch on the backseats as he drives them to Sakura's.

When he pulls up, he notices Sakura arguing with one of the maintenance men in her driveway. He tells the kids, "You guys stay her and keep the doors locked."

He gets out the car and hears a word that pisses him off completely.

"Fuck you bitch!!!"

Sasuke's blood pressure rises to the point were his eyes turn red. In a deep voice he says, "Care to repeat that again?"

The guy turns around shocked that he didn't even notice Sasuke's presence. Sasuke looks at Sakura who is wiping tears from her eyes failing to hide them miserably. And that did it for the Uchiha. He grabs the guy by his throat before ramming him into his work truck.

"If I ever hear you call her a bitch ever again. I will break your fucking neck and watch you choke on your own blood. Do you understand me you fat piece of shit?!" he growls at the guy.

The man nods losing oxygen fast. Sasuke holds him a little long than he intended until Sakura grabs his other arm. "Sasuke-kun. Please. Let him go. Don't do anything that'll get you in trouble."

Her soft voice makes him release his hold. He looks at her and then something clicks making him smirk at her. He walks up to her and wipes her tears still smirking making the woman confused until he speaks, "So I'm Sasuke-kun huh?"

Sakura's eyes widen and she blushes. She smacks his arm playfully and turns away from him smiling at the fact that he came to her aid.

The kids get out the car and Yusuke walks up to the fat man glaring at him. The man finally catches his breath and looks at the little boy. He scowls at him, "What the hell are you looking at?"

Bad move.

The little boy throws a hard punch and hits the man square in the jewels making him squeak and fall to the ground holding his manhood. Sasuke hides his laugh while Sakura tries her best to scold the little boy and hold back her giggles. She takes the kids into the house and Sasuke approaches the hurting man.

His dark eyes pierce the man's soul as he glares.

The man looks around to avoid his gaze and hears words that made him regret his earlier actions.

"Did you just raise your voice and curse at my kid?"

/time skip/

Naruto arrives over to Sakura's earlier than expected. He rings the doorbell and is shocked to see who answers. "Ino? Wow. What are you doing here?"

The platinum blonde walks away letting him in, "Duh Naruto. My best friend and my nephew live here. Of course, that's why I'm here. Plus, I came to see my little cousin."

Naruto's expression saddens for a flash but he hides it quickly and Ino doesn't notice because her back is turned to him. "How are you by the way? How's Uzumaki Motors?"

Naruto sighs, "Its...running. I have to most productive plant out of the three and we have to expand again which is why Sasuke, Sai and myself have been filling out paperwork for the past two weeks. I've missed a lot of time with Naruka and sometimes I question if its even worth it."

Ino places a hand on his shoulder, "Hey. Of course it's worth it. Naruka knows that her daddy is working hard to provide for her. We tell her every single day that you work so hard because you love her and want to give her everything she wants."

This puts a smile on Naruto's face. A rare smile. Knowing that he has support from everywhere makes him happy. Even if his facial expressions say different. "Thanks Ino."

They walk into the kitchen where Sakura is showing the kids how to properly roast marshmallows on a YouTube video. Naruto and Ino snicker at her obvious frustration. Naruto gazes at the lost look of his daughter and hears Ino giggle again. "She looks just like you, ya know?"

Naruto shakes his head, "Nah. She looks just like her mother. Your cousin. She looks just like Shion."

Ino smiles lightly at him and sighs, "When's the last time you went to see her?"

He shrugs holding his hand to his chin for a minute. "I don't know. It's been a minute. I guess with the company expanding and Naruka being in school, I kinda just lost time to do so."

Ino looks at him with her aqua eyes, "Go see her. Her birthday is in what? Uh...two weeks?" He nods agreeing. "Go see her. I'm sure it'll be just as comforting for her as it will be for you."

He side glancing and nods. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

She quickly says back, "Oh I know I'm right. You do too. You just don't want to admit to it."

He rolls his eyes and pushes her playfully making her giggle again. He sighs, "I'm gonna go save my daughter from this torture and take her home. See, you later?" She nods and hugs him warmly, "We love you Naruto. Shion still does too."

He nods and grabs his always excited to see him daughter and takes her home.

/in the car/

"How was your first day baby?"

The little girl gets quiet and looks a cross between confused and terrified. Naruto looks through the rearview mirror and gets worried. "Ruru? Everything okay baby?"

The little girl takes a deep breath and looks at her dad seriously, "Daddy...I think I saw my mommy today at school."

Naruto nearly slams on breaks but maintains his composure. "What do you mean baby?"

"Well..." Naruka thinks for a moment getting her story together, "...I think mommy is my teacher."

Naruto chuckles thinking it's a joke. "How's that baby?" He is intrigued and amused at the same time.

"Well, we have the same eyes but she wears glasses. She doesn't need them because she's really pretty without them. Even Yusuke blushed when she looked at him without them." she giggles making Naruto chuckle picturing Sasuke having to have the 'talk' with is son sooner than later.

"But, her hair is different. I think she changed her hair because its not yellow like ours its dark blue. But her voice is the same as mommy's and when she held my hand, it felt the same as mommy's. I think that's mommy, daddy. I really do."

Throughout the story, Naruto had to fight back tears. He remembers everything about his wife. Her touch, her voice and her uniquely tinted eyes. Her smile and everything. A few tears slipped out but he hid them from his daughter. "That's just a coincidence baby. There is no one else in the world like mommy."

His eyes fall back on the road as he thinks to himself, 'No one.'

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