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The next morning, Naruto drops Naruka off at school. He doesn't walk her to her class because as soon as Sakura pulled up with Yusuke, she deserted her daddy for her auntie. Sakura smiled nervously at the glaring blonde. Naruto honks his horn and pulls off.

It begans to rain and Naruto notices a woman on the side of the road kicking her car in frustration. He pulls up and rolls down his window, "Hey! Need a hand?"

She looks in his direction and nods. He unlocks his door.

"Get in. Can't have you waiting in the rain and getting sick. I'll take a look at it for you." he says as she gets into the car hesitantly. Something tells her she can trust him so she takes him on his offer. Naruto looks under the hood of the car and instantly knows what the problem is. He goes to her and says, "You need a new alternator and even with that, a starter is also needed probably within a few days time. Plus, your wires are damaged to the point where your car is a literal disaster waiting to happen. do you have anyone you can call?"

She tries to think of someone but Naruto has another idea. "How about you take my car?"

She looks back at him with obvious shock on her face. She goes to speak but he cuts her off. "It's okay. Here. Take this card. I'll have someone come to pick me and your car up. You can take my car. I don't leave until around six, by that time, I'll have your car fixed and you can return mine. Okay?"

She nods and stutters, "O-okay."

Naruto freezes a bit at her voice. 'Wow. She almost sounds like...'

He shakes the thought away when she speaks again, "A-are y-you o-okay?"

He looks at her and stares at her sunglasses and nods. He pulls his phone out, "Hitori. Get your ass over here near the corner of Burch and Mango Avenue. And bring a tow truck." He hangs up and hands her things to her through the window. She hesitantly slides over to the driver side and looks at him again. He smiles and waves a reassuring hand at her.

She smiles and pulls off rolling the windows up.

Naruto slides inside of her car and smells the enticing scent of lavender through the burning smells. "This car was hanging on by a thread. BMW or not, she could have died in this."

He then realizes something, "DID I JUST GIVE MY CAR TO AN ABSOLUTE STRANGER?!"

/time skip/

Naruto has changed into some more casual attire and is sitting at his desk faxing off the rest of the contracts to Sai. His door opens and he clenches his teeth to not shout at the boy. He takes and deep breath and opens his eyes to speak but sees not who I thought he would.

 He takes and deep breath and opens his eyes to speak but sees not who I thought he would

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"Karin??" he says.

The red head stands there twirling a set of familiar keys in her hand. Naruto's eyes widen. He checks the time. 'Damn. It's 4:30. She must have returned my car. But how did Karin get my keys?'

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