Twenty Six

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A dark figure walks into a bunker. He scans his thumb on the keypad unlocking the door. He walks in and several others are sitting around a huge table.

"So...what's the update?"

Lyon stands up fully healed from his injuries. "The Uzumaki men are on a plane headed to Suna. Uchiha is with Nakamura working on wedding plans with their wives. The others are scattered preparing for the wedding weekend."

"For once you did something right."

Lyon flinches, "I was caught off guard. It won't happen again."

The leader agrees. "You're right, Lyon. It won't happen again. Ready to redeem yourself?"

Lyon nods and stands up proudly.


A shot rings throughout the meeting room and Lyon falls to the ground with lifeless eyes.

The leader sits down. "Failure is unacceptable. We NEED to take them down and take them down now."

Another man smoking a cigar in the corner says, "Well you know...Uzumaki left his daughter with his little girlfriend for the week."

The leader looks on. "Continue."

The bearded man smiles, "Just a heads up the phase two is in the works. I can guarantee, that Naruto Uzumaki won't live past the wedding weekend."

Leader grins widely. "Well done. Everyone else take notes. That's how you execute a plan."

Naruto is FaceTiming Naruka while she has tea time with her bears and Yusuke. Yuzzy hates little girly stuff but he has a soft spot for Ruru and she can get him to do anything.

He and Gaara have just arrived to grab a bite to eat to discuss the fundraiser. "Daddy's gotta go baby. I'll call you back in a few hours, okay?"

"Okay daddy. Love you."

"Love you too. See you later Yuzzy."

"Later Uncle Naruto."

Naruto hangs up as he and Gaara burst into a fit of laughter. It's amazing how much that kid acts and sounds like Sasuke.

"Man. We had some great times as kids." Gaara says taking a drink.

Naruto agrees. "Yeah we did. From preschool and even through college. Is been a journey. That's for sure."

Gaara then gets serious, "So...have you thought about what you're going to do?"

Naruto sighs, "Come on man. Ino's been on my ass all week long about this thing. I don't know who I'm going to the wedding with."

"I was talking about the charity basketball game."

"Oh. That."

"Yeah. That."

Naruto sighs, "I don't know. I haven't played since college. I kinda lost my love for it since, you know?"

"Yeah. And if she were here her foot and your ass would look like Siamese Twins."

Naruto chuckles. "Definitely."

Gaara speaks again, "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. But maybe, just maybe, playing the game you love one last time might give you the closure you need Naruto."

Naruto ponders Gaara's words. The four plants have a basketball tournament set up to raise money for scholarships. Sasuke agreed to participate as did everyone else. All except Naruto.

Naruto thinks to himself and his phone rings. He looks and doesn't recognize the number. "Hello?"

He doesn't hear anything.

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