Twenty Five

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"We're done."

It's amazing how someone's life can change drastically with just two words.

It's been almost six months since that ordeal and Hinata has been stuck between depression and gratefulness. Depressed because she loved Naruto and never got to tell her side of the story. She understands how things looked and with her trying to pry Naruto away from mercilessly beating the poor man to death, made it seem like she was indeed protecting the other man.

On the plus side, she still gets to see Naruka. Every weekday in class. Naruka has been updating her on Naruto's well being and just recently told her that Ruthie scolded him for not calling Hinata. Hinata came to Naruka's sixth birthday party but never got to speak with Naruto as he was stuck in a Care Bear costume with the other men to entertain the kids. Sasuke was NOT going to dress up like a light pink bear so they ended up putting him in a shark tank.

Needless to say, Sasuke hates that they taught the kids how to throw effectively and accurately.

The bluenette smiled knowing that there are people who still cared for her. Even Karin. Karin knew something was off, so she treated Hinata out to lunch to hear her side.

After Hinata told her what was going on, Karin called Shikamaru and hired him to find the guy so she and Darui could beat his ass next.

Sakura reached out to Sasuke and Sasuke came to the school to have a talk with Hinata. He apologized for how he acted and wanted to see if she was doing okay. He then told Hinata to give him some time to talk to Naruto. It may take a while but Naruto can't and won't stay mad forever.

Hinata smiled lightly. Even Sasuke cares about making sure she's okay. Even more, he's team #NaruHina (s/n: blame Ayame, Karin and Ino).

Hinata's phone rings during her conversation with Sasuke cutting it short. Sasuke nods and walks out of the classroom with a smirk on his face as she answers the phone.

"Hello. Yes this is she."

Hinata's eyes widen in shock. "I'm sorry. What?!"

Ino and Sai's wedding is next weekend and Naruto will be out of town the whole week getting the new plant up and running in Suna with Gaara. Sakura and Sasuke will be tied up with helping Sai and Ino and Ruthie will need extra help with Naruka.

Ayame walks into Naruto's office as he is on the verge of losing it. Six year olds can take care of themselves for a week, right?

I mean, there was this one cartoon he watched where a kid was raised in the wild and he turned out okay. He was a bit of a klutz and an idiot but he turned out pretty well.

"Hey bro. Ready to go? Flight leaves in an hour."

Naruto runs his hands through his now shoulder length hair. "Ugh. I need someone to watch Ruru. But everyone is tied up with work and the wedding. I can't think of anybody else."

He looks up at Ayame who is on the phone smiling. "You will? Thanks sweetie. You're a doll. We're on our way to the house now to grab Naruto's bags. Meet us there. I'll have Ruru's things ready. Thanks girly."

Naruto looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "You found someone?"

She nods.


She looks at him with a stern face, "Stay out of grown folks business Naruto. That's rude."

He deadpans as they walk out the office. "I'm grown too ya know."

Naruto has been asking over and over as to whom the mysterious babysitter is for Naruka. They arrive to his house and Naruka tackles him happy to see her daddy. He smiles picking her up and says he's sorry he has to leave for a while.

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