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Hinata arrives home with a huge smile on her face. Sure it wasn't official but she couldn't get over the word 'date.' Naruto may have just meant it as a joke but Hinata didn't know how to quite make out what it actually was. She enjoyed spending time outside of school with the little girl who's slowly making her want to steal her away from her father and keep her as her own.

But on the flip side, she literally felt like only a friend to Naruto and didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

She goes upstairs to take a shower and try to wash the joy she's feeling off her face but to no avail. She just can't stop smiling. Especially because everyone kept saying how cute the couple looked and how beautiful 'their' daughter was.

Naruto didn't object not once he just smiled at the compliment and kept going on listening to her and Naruka's tales of the classroom chuckling and asking questions here and there.

That smile. That rare smile he has gleamed the entire time and whenever his eyes met Hinata's she'd be caught in a daze. She figured that she probably sounded like a lovestruck puppy but she didn't mind.

Naruto was someone who's smile was as contagious as a bad habit. But she knew better than to hope for anything more. The man lost his first love and first wife three years ago. The last thing on his mind right now is another woman. Another relationship.

Not when he has the company booming and exceeding expectations and a loving daughter to take care of. How she wished she could have been the one he started his life with.

She sighs deeply and leaves her shower noticing the water is starting to cool. She dries herself off and puts on some pajama shorts and a T-shirt not bothering to put on any undergarments because well...she lives alone and no one would dare come to her house this time of night.

Or so she thought...

The sound of her doorbell alerts her and she jumps out of her bed grabbing a robe to wrap around her body. She gracefully descends her stairs and walks to her front door.

After peeking through her peep hole she giggles and releases a breath she was holding in. She opens the door and smile at her old college buddy.

"Hey Ino-chan."

/Naruto's House/

Naruto is tossing around in his sleep reliving the nightmare that changed him and his life forever. Cold beads of sweat drip down his face as well as tears.


A flash appears in his dream.


He sees something huge about to make a massive impact on someone he loves.


A blonde with lavender eyes turns towards him and smiles while waving.


Naruto jumps out of his sleep sitting up breathing hard and sweating even harder. His blonde hair is stuck to his cheeks from the density of his sweating. He tries to calm his breathing but to no avail.

He slides out of his bed and goes to his daughter's room. The little girl is sprawled across her bed as usual somehow still gripping her Care Bear as if it's going to get up and walk away.

Naruto smiles and quietly closes the door. He goes into the room that Shion ordered to be made only for him. The music room.

He chuckles at the look on Sasuke's face while he was being scolded. He had an irk mark larger than a Hercules beetle on his forehead but knew better than to respond because of Sakura, Ino and Mikoto's presence.

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