25. The Trickster God Strikes Again

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[Anakin and Steve have entered the chat]

Steve: so did you finally fix the chatroom?

Anakin: well, Emily actually did, but yes it is

[Emily and Bruce have entered the chat]

Bruce: no more Loki intrusions?

Emily: nope, we're good

Steve: thank god

Anakin: so, what do you want to do?

[Thor has entered the chat]


Emily: whoa, Thor calm down

Bruce: what's wrong buddy?

Steve: and please turn caps off

Thor: sorry, Loki is missing

Anakin: what do you mean by missing?

Thor: he's supposed to be locked up on Asgard, but he's gone

Steve: I'm getting the others

[Steve has invited Tony, Jayla, Natasha, and Clint to the chat]

Jayla: what is it?

Thor: Loki is missing

Natasha: and that is a bad thing?

Clint: what do you think Nat?!

Tony: well, wherever that idiot is, he ain't destroying my tower again!!!

Steve: do you have any idea where he could be, Thor?

Thor: unfortunately, no

Bruce: well, this just got a whole lot easier

Emily: is there anything Anakin and I can do to help?

Jayla: I doubt it

Anakin: hey, I got an idea!!

Tony: what kind of idea?

Anakin: I make something similar to a GPS

Emily: but Anakin, we have no idea where Loki could be

Natasha: she's right. He could be in Tahiti for all we know

Jayla: (gives Natasha an angry glare)

Natasha: oops, sorry

Clint: I have a better idea. Why don't we wait it out?

Thor: WHAT?!

Steve: I don't think that will help

Jayla: I get what Clint is saying. Loki is always causing trouble, so once we hear something about a dude with a staff trying to control people, we'll know where he is

Bruce: Jayla, sometimes I think you are more of a genius than me

Clint: well, that wasn't exactly what I meant, but Jayla is right

Natasha: what did you really mean?


Steve: Clint, tell us

Clint: (mutters) maybe we shouldn't get involved at all


Tony: first, stop using caps Thor and second, ARE YOU CRAZY CLINT?!

Anakin: someone is a hypocrite

Jayla: I hate to say it, but for once I agree with Tony

Bruce: ditto

Steve: yep, same here

Natasha: sorry, babe, but I have to agree with the others

Clint: hey, I don't want to be Loki's mindless minion again!! You guys don't get it. None of you were controlled by him

Tony: well, I almost was, if it weren't for my arc reactor

Jayla: Tony, that was just luck

Emily: you guys aren't going to get anywhere if you don't stop fighting. Remember what happened last time?

Anakin: yea, unless you want that to happen again, all of you need to work together

Emily: Fury isn't around to help you this time, neither is SHIELD. You need to work this out

Jayla: I could contact Coulson and see if he could help us, but he does have his own problems to worry about

Tony: we can do this without them. We're the Avengers for crying out loud!!

Steve: I like the enthusiasm, Tony

Tony: why, thank you

Bruce: Jayla and Tony are right. We can figure this out ourselves

Natasha: alright I'm in

Clint: I'm in, but only because Nat is

Thor: I am, of course. We need to find Loki before he takes over the universe

Steve: Jayla, you in?

Jayla:...I don't know

Emily: what's wrong?

Jayla: nothing, I just wasn't sure there for a second. Yes, I'm in too

Steve: good, first order of business. Anakin, you mentioned something about a GPS?

Anakin: you still want me to do it?!

Steve: yes, you and Emily can be our tech support

Anakin: awesome!!

Emily: so what are we? Honorary Avengers?

Steve: I guess

Tony: welcome to the team!!

Natasha: I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting tired

Clint: yea, can we work on this tomorrow?

Steve: sure, everyone get some rest. I want you up and ready by ten in the morning. Got it?

Bruce: yea, yea sure

[Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, and Thor have left the chat]

Jayla: I love it when you take charge Steve :)

[Jayla has left the chat]

Emily: ooh, she's flirting with you!!

Steve: please don't. I am not in the mood to start blushing right now

[Steve has left the chat]

Anakin: guys can blush?

Emily: I've seen you blush Anakin. You just don't know it

Anakin: whatever

[Emily and Anakin have left the chat]

[Loki has turned off invisibility]

Loki: this will be fun...

[the admin has kicked Loki from the server]

Man, I am on a roll this week. Three updates, three days in a row. I'm just full of ideas lately.

Don't forget to vote/comment

Like I said last chapter, I won't be able to update this weekend, so this will probably be the last update until next week.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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