34. Bailando

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A/N: bailando means "dancing" in Spanish

[Bruce and Cheyenne have entered the chat]

Bruce: for once, it is quiet on the chat

Cheyenne: what do you mean?

Bruce: Tony can be loud, and arguments often break out. Believe me when I say it can get stressful sometimes

Cheyenne: well, you haven't had any incidents

Bruce: yea, thank goodness

Cheyenne: so, what do you want to talk about?

Bruce: I don't know

Cheyenne: did I mention I'm Hispanic?

Bruce: nope

Cheyenne: ¿Te hablas español?

Bruce: uhhh...I do not know Spanish

Cheyenne: darn, does anyone else speak it?

Bruce: Jayla most likely does, other than that I don't know. But Nat can speak Russian

Cheyenne: let me ask

[Cheyenne has invited Jayla to the chat]

Jayla: sup?

Cheyenne: can you speak Spanish?

Jayla: sí, yo sé mucho español

Bruce: where did you learn Spanish?

Jayla: I lived in a orphanage for eight years that was in a Mexican neighborhood

Cheyenne: who adopted you?


Cheyenne: what?

Bruce: it's complicated

Jayla: so, did you like Zumba, Cheyenne?

Cheyenne: yep :) It was a lot of fun. The Latino music reminded me of when I lived in Puerto Rico when I was little

Bruce: I don't know if I have ever heard Latino music

Cheyenne: I can play some for you later

[Tony has entered the chat]

Jayla: (mutters) there goes our peace and quiet

Tony: hey Jayla, do you know where Nat's Nerf gun is?

Jayla: to be completely honest, I do not. That information is nowhere in my memory

Tony: dangit!!

Bruce: why do you want to know?

Tony: so, I can ambush her

Cheyenne: why not just buy your own?

Tony: that's not a bad idea

[Tony has left the chat]

Cheyenne: crap, I should've kept my mouth shut

Jayla: yea, when you don't know Tony, you quickly learn to not give him any ideas

[Steve has entered the chat]

Steve: where are you, Jay? I thought you were gonna give me those dancing lessons

Jayla: (facepalms) oh right. I got distracted

Bruce: dance lessons?

Jayla: yea, he never really learned how to dance

Steve: yep, and I still have a raincheck on that one dance I was supposed to have

Cheyenne: mind if Bruce and I join?

Jayla: sure, meet us on the dance room floor

[Steve and Jayla have left the chat]

Cheyenne: Tony has a dance room in this tower of his?

Bruce: yes, he even has a whole floor that is a pool. Don't ask

Cheyenne: I won't judge

[Bruce and Cheyenne have left the chat]

Did I say I'd update yesterday? If I did, then I have a good excuse: I was watching Guardians of the Galaxy last night. It actually gave me an idea for a chapter.

Don't forget to vote/comment

Next update will be maybe tomorrow and there will be another next Saturday for sure

Life is like a cup of coffee. It is good, but gets better when you top it with whipped cream.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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