26. Please Tell Me This Isn't Real

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[Steve and Anakin have entered the chat]

Steve: I'm worried

Anakin: about what?

Steve: I haven't seen Jayla around Avengers Tower. I'm afraid she's mad at me or something

Anakin: well, I'm not the girl expert, so let me get her

[Anakin has invited Emily to the chat]

Emily: what is it? I'm kind of in the middle of something

Anakin: Steve is having girlfriend problems

Steve: I never said that. I just said I have been worried about Jayla because I haven't seen her around in the last day

Emily: there is a few possiblilties: 1. She is having a mood swing, 2. She just wants to be alone for awhile, or 3. She's doing something secret for you

Steve: that makes me feel a little better

[Bruce has entered the chat]

Bruce: hey, have you seen Jayla, Steve?

Steve: no, we were just wondering where she is

Anakin: you haven't seen her either?

Bruce: nope

[Natasha has entered the chat]

Natasha: has Jayla been here lately?

Emily: okay, something is definitely wrong

Natasha: huh?

Steve: Bruce and I haven't seen her either

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: anyone want to play Halo with me? I can't find Jayla

Anakin: alright, that's it!

Tony: what did I say?

[Anakin has invited Clint, Thor, and Pepper to the chat]

Emily: have you three seen Jayla?

Thor: no, I haven't seen her

Clint: not since last night

Pepper: she didn't come down for breakfast this morning

Steve: (panicked) this is bad, this is bad, this is really really bad. Please tell me this isn't happening

Bruce: see if you can invite Jayla to the chat

Anakin: okay I'll--

Emily: did you feel that Ani?

Anakin: yes, I did. This is worse than I thought. Also, I just tried inviting her to the chat, but it didn't work

Steve: what did you feel?

Anakin: ripples of Jayla's fear

Natasha: how do you know it's her?

Emily: I saw her. Jayla's in trouble

Steve: :'(

Bruce: please don't start crying on us, Steve

Steve: sorry, I'm trying not to, but it's kind of hard not to when your girlfriend is missing

Tony: we'll find her Steve

Clint: don't worry, she can't be far

Thor: I think I know what happened to her

Pepper: what?

Thor: Loki took her

Natasha: if Loki kidnapped Jayla, then that means he should be nearby

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