49. The Aftermath

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[Jayla and Emily have entered the chat]

Emily: so, about Friday...

Jayla: can we please not talk about this past weekend? It's been very traumatic for me

Emily: sorry, I'm just making sure you're doing fine

Jayla: I know...

[Anakin has entered the chat]

Anakin: hey, Jay. Was it awkward for you to see that Clint had a family?

Jayla: no, I actually knew he did, but I never said anything because I didn't feel like explaining everything

Anakin: ugh, it was so weird because I was just like, "what?!?! Clint has a family?!?! I thought he was with Natasha!!"

Jayla: well, Clint and Nat are more of besties than boyfriend and girlfriend. You saw how concerned he was when we almost lost her in Seoul

Emily: yea, that freaked me out

[Haeleigh has entered the chat]

Haeleigh: hey Jayla, could you ask Thor to come here so I can try to lift his hammer?

Jayla: first of all, I can't because he's on Asgard right now. Second, trust me you don't want to try it

Haeleigh: I was thinking that if I lifted it with the Force...

Emily: it probably wouldn't work Haeleigh

Haeleigh: darn...

[Steve has entered the chat]

Anakin: look who joined the chat! :D

Steve: were you just talking about me?

Anakin: no, I'm just happy to see you

Steve: okay...Jay, did you tell them?

Jayla: what? No, why would I do that?

Haeleigh: tell us what?

Steve: can't tell you now. We've already said too much

Emily: what happened? Jay, are you hiding something from me?

Jayla: no, (blushes) of course not

Emily: yes, you are. I can tell when you're hiding something

Jayla: (scowls) fine, switch to private chat and I'll tell you

[Emily and Jayla have switched to private chat]

Anakin: so, what's going on?

Steve: training new recruits is not easy

Haeleigh: tell me about it. Having a Padawan is hard enough

[Emily and Jayla have reentered the chat]

Emily: I swear I won't tell anyone

Jayla: I know you won't. It's the other two I'm worried about

Anakin: what did Jayla tell you, Emily?

Emily: can't say. My lips are sealed until I die

Haeleigh: dang it!! I wanted to know!!

Anakin: Steve, what's going on?

Steve: I already answered that question

Emily: just forget it, Anakin

Jayla: let's change the subject

[Jayla has invited Wanda to the chat]

Haeleigh: hey, you're the Scarlet Witch right?

Wanda: yes, but I prefer not to be called that

Steve: we won't call you that

Wanda: thank you, who are all of you?

Anakin: do you even know what Star Wars is?

Emily: (punches Anakin's shoulder) shut up, you. Anakin is my annoying twin brother and Haeleigh is my former Padawan

Haeleigh: hey, you actually got my title right for once

Emily: (rolls eyes)

Wanda: (mouth drops open) oh my gosh...

Steve: this just got weird

Jayla: stop reading my mind, Steve!

Anakin: what got weird?

Wanda: ...I had a twin brother, too

Haeleigh: yay, twinsies!! :D

Emily: finally, someone who can understand how annoying a twin brother can be

Anakin: hey!! I'm not that bad!!

Wanda: we should get to know each other better

Emily: we totally should

Anakin: ugh, girls

Emily: will you please shut up Anakin?! Want to switch to private chat, Wanda?

Wanda: sure

[Emily and Wanda have switched to private chat]

Haeleigh: why do I feel like I'm missing something here?

Jayla: remember...Pietro died when he saved Clint

Haeleigh: oh, yeah. That was so sad!!!

Steve: yea, Wanda's been taking it pretty hard past couple days. We were hoping Emily could help her through it

Anakin: because she had to live with me turning to the dark side right?

Jayla: yep, exactly

Haeleigh: so, question: I'm assuming your "Prom" is called off?

Steve: unfortunately, yes. Bruce is who knows where; Thor is on Asgard; Pepper and Jane are busy, same with Cheyenne; Clint's at home with his family; Tony went back to New York City; And Nat's been in a touchy mood lately

Jayla: I'm never gonna get a Prom :'(

Steve: (hugs Jayla) I'll make it up to you, Jay. You still have that restaurant gift card from your birthday, right?

Jayla: yea...?

Steve: well, how about we go out tonight to that restaurant and then go see a movie or something

Jayla: can we also stop by Avengers Tower and pick up Kit Kat?

Anakin: you left your cat at the tower?

Jayla: duh, what was I supposed to do? Bring it with me? We just saved the world from a psychopathic robot

Haeleigh: ugh, Ultron was so creepy. Well, gotta go. Time to go train Jayden

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

Anakin: oh crap! I'm late for a council meeting!!

[Anakin has left the chat]

Steve: (looks at Jayla) what's wrong?

Jayla: why does everything have to change so quickly? I hate it

Steve: well, I know one thing that hasn't changed, at least not for worse

Jayla: yea, I'm glad that happened :)

[Steve and Jayla have left the chat]

Who else wanted to cry when Pietro died? I know I did. I don't think he is completely out of the picture though, 'cause I heard the guy who plays Pietro still has a contract with Marvel. So, hopefully, Quicksilver will be back!

Anyway, what do you think Jayla is hiding? I kinda wanna say, kinda don't, so you'll have to wait and see.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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