51. What the Heck Is Going On?!

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[Haeleigh and Jayla have entered the chat]

Haeleigh: so, how did your date with Steve go on Friday?

Jayla: it was fun. Went out to eat, then stopped by Avengers Tower to pick up Kit Kat, came back to the base and watched Jurassic Park

Haeleigh: I will never understand your idea of a date

Jayla: what? Do you have something against it?

Haeleigh: no, I just never thought you could do something like that and call it a date

Jayla: whatever

[Emily has entered the chat]

Emily: Haeleigh, I thought I told you to go do the dishes

Haeleigh: (groans) fine

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

Jayla: I see you survived Podracing?

Emily: yes, yes I did. And it was awesome!!! I haven't flown like that in forever and it was so much fun.

Jayla: sure sounds like it

Emily: so, does anyone know yet?

Jayla: besides you, no. We haven't decided how to tell the others yet

Emily: maybe you could have one of your gaming parties and tell them then

Jayla: (sighs) yea, I don't know. We'll figure something out

[Tony has turned off invisibility]

Jayla: don't even think about it Tony. I am not telling you

Tony: well, I think I know what it is. I saw the way you and Steve—

Jayla: (angrily) shut your mouth before I do it for you. And I swear I will come over to that tower and freeze your lips shut

Tony: (meekly) okay

Emily: have you told anyone?

Tony: how could I talk about something I don't know about?

Emily: good point

[Steve has entered the chat]

Steve: Tony, have you read the newspaper today?

Tony: why would I want to read a piece of paper with useless info on it?

Jayla: (rolls eyes at Tony) what happened, Steve?

Steve: (hands newspaper to Jayla) this happened


Emily: would someone please tell me what the heck is going on?

Steve: someone caught Jayla and I on our date on Friday

Tony: I swear I had nothing to do with this. Both of you know I was busy that night

Jayla: we know that. Did you see Steve and me hanging out together at your one party a couple weeks ago?

Tony: no, I was probably too busy over at the scotch table. I'm telling you I don't know anything, except for what I saw when you and Steve dropped by Avengers Tower on Friday

Emily: and what was that?

Steve: ...I'd rather not say

Tony: they had a make out session

Jayla: yea, for like five seconds!!

Tony: which means there is definitely something going on between you two that is more than just dating

Steve: how would you know what is happening between us?

Tony: if there is one thing I learned from my father, it's gotta be learning how relationships work. And I can tell you two have gotten closer within the last couple weeks

Jayla: well, you are correct in that we've gotten closer..., but I'm not ready to tell you the real reason yet. At least not until I find the person who caught Steve and I on our date

Steve: Jay, it's not a big deal. We just have to be more careful, okay?

Jayla: wait a minute, was my name in the paper?

Steve: technically, yes. You were mentioned as Frostbite

Jayla: okay, good. As long as no one knows who I really am, I'm fine with that

Tony: why can't they know?

Jayla: well..., I technically don't exist

Emily: okay, now even I'm lost

Jayla: I do have a birth certificate, but I kind of have two of them, and neither have the name "Jayla" on it

Emily: I'm really starting to see how messed up your life is

Jayla: trust me, there is so much messed up about my life that...I shouldn't even be alive right now

Tony: what?! I-I don't follow at all

Jayla: it's a long story and I shouldn't have even brought it up...I'm leaving

[Jayla has left the chat]

Tony: Steve, do you know what just happened?

Steve: yes, I do, but now isn't the time to talk about it. I have to go find Jayla

[Steve has left the chat]

Tony: you know, I'm just gonna ignore everything that just happened. You wanna play Halo or something?

Emily: sure, I'll see if Anakin is available too

[Tony and Emily have left the chat]

So, yesterday was Prom, which is why I didn't update sooner. And omigosh was it awesome!!!!

Don't forget to vote/comment.

I don't know when my next update will be, but I do know that the closer it gets to Finals, the harder it'll be to update.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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