38. So About That Weather...

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[Steve and Tony have entered the chat]

Tony: did you see that weather we got earlier?

Steve: yea, it sounded like ice was pounding on the roof

Tony: that's cause it was ice

Steve: what?

Tony: it's called freezing rain

[Anakin and Obi-Wan have entered the chat]

Steve: did you guys know there is such thing as freezing rain?

Obi-Wan: I think I have heard of it before, but I've never actually seen it

Anakin: nope didn't know

[Emily has entered the chat]

Emily: argh, I can't take this anymore!!!!

Tony: what's wrong?

Anakin: Agents of SHIELD is on tonight and she has been jumpy all day

Emily: hey, you were the same way when you saw Padme for the first time in ten years

Anakin: yea, but guys don't fangirl

Steve: I beg to differ. Tony fangirls over One Direction

Tony: shut up man!!!

Steve: I am just speaking the truth

Obi-Wan: can we just go back to talking about the weather?

Anakin: sure, so what is freezing rain?

Emily: rain that freezes as it falls from warm air into cold air. Jayla told me

Tony: yea, she is like an expert of the snow

Steve: (gives Tony a look) Jayla can use ice and snow. How could she not be an expert?

Tony: (facepalms) that was supposed to be a Frozen reference and now you ruined it

Anakin: sounds strange, but I've seen stranger weather

Obi-Wan: where?

Anakin: hello, I lived on a completely desert planet!!

Emily: ugh, sandstorms. But nothing compares to Hoth. It's as barren as Tatooine, but freezing cold!! After staying there for a year, outer space seems warmer than that place

Steve: I think Jayla would like going to Hoth

Emily: she'd probably never want to leave

Tony: good thing my Iron Man suit is resistant to ice

Obi-Wan: I can't think of anything else that is completely strange

Anakin: what about......the planet

Emily: Mustafar?

Anakin: don't say the name!!!

Emily: okay, I'll just say the lava planet. Better?

Obi-Wan: yes, definitely strange

Steve: I agree

Tony: ehh, I've seen stranger. The Midwest has some pretty crazy weather. I was there for a week once. First day was sunny and perfectly warm; next day, it was stormy and cold. And it is worse in the winter from what I've heard. They got freezing rain AND snow today

Emily: that sounds fun

Steve: remind me to never go there

[Cheyenne has entered the chat]

Cheyenne: you're watching it tonight right, Emily?

Emily: of course I am!!!

Anakin: enough of the fangirling already!!

[Anakin has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: he gets annoyed by fangirling way too easily

Cheyenne: I noticed

Tony: where's Bruce?

Cheyenne: he's in the middle of an experiment

Steve: what is he experimenting?

Cheyenne: I'm not really sure. He made it sound complicated

Tony: I'm gonna go see

[Tony has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: I have to go to the Archives now

[Obi-Wan has left the chat]

Emily: so, are you gonna watch Agents of SHIELD too, Steve?

Steve: yea, I just didn't want to say anything around Anakin cause he probably would have gotten on me for fangirling

Emily: yep, that's Anakin

Cheyenne: so, since I'm still kind of new here, is there anything I should know?

Steve: Tony is a One Direction fan and is obsessed with Halo; Natasha will come after you if you piss her off; Clint is mostly laid back; Bruce, I'm assuming you know enough about; Thor has a strange obsession for pop tarts, but is more sensible than Tony; Pepper is typically busy, but she's kind; and Jane is pretty much the same as Pepper

Emily: Anakin is funny, though he can annoy the crap out of me; Obi-Wan keeps things peaceful; Haeleigh is peppy and energetic, but she can easily be offended; Padmé is usually never on, but she and Jane are literally one in the same; and Mica is my oldest daughter and is quiet usually

Cheyenne: you forgot about Jayla

Steve: well what do you know about her?

Cheyenne: not much, she has ice and telekinetic powers. She's really outgoing and nice, and she seems to be secretive

Steve: you just named every reason I love her

Emily: well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna go get ready for the show

[Emily has left the chat]

Cheyenne: I think I know why you watch the show

Steve: why?

Cheyenne: you miss Jayla

Steve: well, we've only been together since January, but yea that is part of the reason

Cheyenne: sounds like true love to me

[Cheyenne has left the chat]

Steve: true love...hmm

[Steve has left the chat]

Less than a half an hour till Agents of SHIELD!!!!! As you can tell, I am super excited!! I have an idea for Evelya (Steve&Jayla), but I can't use it until Jayla is back.

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Next update will probably be tomorrow

-Emily A. Skywalker

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