24. Well, That Happened...

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[Bruce and Tony have entered the chat]

Bruce: you still haven't paid up on our Super Bowl bet

Tony: I never agreed to it!!

Bruce: yes, you did. You said that if the Patriots won, you would give me ten bucks

Tony: but you forgot the other half

Bruce: what other half?

Tony: Katy Perry had to sing "Wide Awake" at Halftime. And did she? NO!!

Bruce: what?! You're making that up

Tony: fine, I'll get Jayla

[Tony has invited Jayla to the chat]

Jayla: what do you want?

Tony: Brucie says I'm lying about the bet

Bruce: 1. please don't call me that, and 2. that's because you are

Tony: that was a typo

Bruce: sure, it was

Jayla: okay, I distinctly remember Bruce saying if the Seahawks won, he would give you, Tony, ten dollars. And if the Patriots won, which they did, then Tony has to pay Bruce ten dollars. There was never anything about Katy Perry in the agreement. And don't you dare question my infallible memory, Tony

Tony: but...but

Bruce: you heard the girl. Pay up, Tony

Tony: (gives money to Bruce) fine, take the money

Jayla: good, I'm glad we worked this out

[Obi-Wan has entered the chat]

Obi-Wan: so, I watched that Super Bowl like you said...

Tony: and did you like it?

Obi-Wan: to be honest, I didn't even understand most of it

Jayla: how were you able to watch it?

Obi-Wan: let's just say Anakin and Emily are geniuses

Jayla: I believe it

Bruce: so, I'm assuming you also watched Halftime too?

Obi-Wan: yes,...it was very odd

Jayla: trust me, you'd get used to it if you lived here

Tony: hey, that was the best Halftime performance I have ever seen

Bruce: I have to agree with you

Jayla: me too. That was amazing!

Obi-Wan: when I said odd, I meant compared to performances here. I did really like it, though. Performances here can get...well,...I wouldn't say disturbing, but they are not as good as that

Jayla: remind me to never show you anything Miley Cyrus related

Bruce: yes, she really went down the wrong path

Tony: ugh, Miley Cyrus is worse than weird

[Loki has entered the chat]

Bruce: good lord, not again

Loki: are you not happy to see me?

Obi-Wan: considering what Bruce said when you came on, no

Jayla: hey Loki, need some of my ice to heal that burn of yours?

Loki: ?

Tony: what are you doing here?

Loki: what does it look like I am doing?

Bruce: annoying us

[Emily has entered the chat]

Emily: oh crap

[Emily has invited Anakin to the chat]

Anakin: what?

Emily: I thought you banned Loki

Anakin: it was only a one time thing

Emily: fix it will you!!!

Bruce: yes, please, before I go Hulk again

Tony: I really don't care if Loki isn't banned

Jayla: you are crazy, Tony

Tony: but I do care if Bruce destroys my precious tower again!!

Bruce: hey! Would you have rather Loki being the supreme overlord of the world right now?

Loki: oh, I like that title. Do use it more often

Bruce: (narrows eyes) I didn't mean it

[Thor has entered the chat]

Thor: Jayla told me you are causing trouble again, brother

Loki: I am NOT your brother!!!

Anakin: would now be a bad time to ban Loki from the chat?

Obi-Wan: please do

[Loki has been banished from the chat by the admin]

Jayla: make sure you ban him indefinitely

Anakin: I will, I will

Bruce: thank you

Tony: wait, I do have something against Loki. He didn't accept that drink I offered him

Jayla: seriously?!

Obi-Wan: I gotta go. Council meeting. Anakin, you need to get off too

Anakin: fine, I'm coming

[Obi-Wan and Anakin have left the chat]

Emily: I'll fix the chatroom while he's gone

Bruce: good, I'm tired of dealing with Loki

Thor: Bruce, I never get a break from dealing with him

Jayla: well put statement, Thor

Thor: thank you

Tony: anyone wanna play Halo with me?

Jayla: sure, I'll get Steve

Bruce: I'll come too

[Tony, Jayla, and Bruce have left the chat]

Thor: to be honest, I don't even know where Loki is

Emily: is he not locked up on Asgard?


Emily: that's not good

Thor: oh, no we're in trouble

Emily: Avengers assemble?

Thor: Avengers assemble

[Emily and Thor have left the chat]

I got this idea from watching the Super Bowl. The last 20 seconds of it were ridiculous. They threw a flag and they were right in front of the end zone!! I mean what the heck?! Then, the play was moved like 20 yards away from the end zone, so at that point it was just like "end the game already!!" And it did end. I kinda wanted the Seahawks to win because they did last year, but I don't care who won.

Sorry if that little rant seemed boring. I'm actually kind of a fan of football. American football I mean.

Anyway, vote/comment

There will definitely be an update for Valentine's Day, but I won't be able to update this coming weekend because I'll be at a Catholic youth conference. A really fun Catholic youth conference!!

-Emily A. Skywalker

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