29. Can't Back Down Now

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[Steve and Bruce have entered the chat]

Bruce: whew, we made it. I'm so glad you didn't pair me up with Tony

Steve: yea, I had the feeling you'd go Hulk on him

Bruce: probably, Tony talks way too much

[Clint and Natasha have entered the chat]

Natasha: yeesh, it's freezing up here. Even with these warm clothes on

Clint: where are Thor and Tony?

Bruce: don't know. They haven't come yet

Steve: I'm gonna call Anakin and the girls

[Steve has invited Anakin, Emily, Pepper and Jane to the chat]

Emily: did you all make it?

Steve: Tony and Thor aren't here yet

Jane: I hope they're fine

Bruce: they should be here soon

Natasha: there they are

[Tony and Thor have entered the chat]

Thor: hello friends

Tony: did you have a nice walk?

Steve: boring, but it wasn't bad

Bruce: so, what's next on the agenda?

Anakin: at this point, all you have to do is get into that ice palace and rescue Jayla

Steve: alright, Thor and Clint since you're on lookout, you two will go ahead and tell us if it is all clear

Clint: okay, you ready Thor?

Thor: whenever you are, Clint

(Thor and Clint leave for lookout)

Tony: so, we just wait here for now?

Steve: yes

Thor: I do not see anything out of place except for a giant snowpile in front of the staircase

Clint: that would be the snow monster Marshmallow

Emily: did you say marshmallows?

Anakin: no, he didn't Em

Emily: oh sorry, I'm hungry

Anakin: (facepalm)

Emily: I'm gonna go get something to eat

Clint: (whispering) anyway, guys we gotta find a way to get into the castle without disturbing the snow monster

Thor: (whispering) that thing's right in front of our only way in or out of the castle. There has to be something we can do

Steve: I got an idea. Clint, find a vantage point, and from there distract that snow monster. The rest of us will sneak in

Clint: (whispering) alright, I'll see what I can do

Steve: the rest of you, including Thor, come with me

(loud roaring)

Anakin: sounds like Clint made it angry

Steve: let's move now

Natasha: who's going to rescue Jayla?

(sneaking past Marshmallow)

Steve: I'll do it

Tony: (whining) yea, but I'm terrible at combat. Why can't I do it?

Bruce: he has a point

Steve: okay, but be careful

(opening ice palace doors slowly)

Loki: (with smug smile) well, hello. I wasn't expecting visitors

Thor: what have you done with Jayla, brother?

Loki: oh, she's safe somewhere

Pepper: Thor was right. It was a trap

Steve: Anakin, get us out of here

Anakin: I can't. Clint isn't close enough to the rest of you to transport you all at once

Clint: I'll try to get as close as I can

Natasha: that's it. I'm going to help out Clint (starts to walk away)

Loki: no one is going anywhere

(castle doors become barricaded with ice)

Tony: huh?

Natasha: guys... (looks up)

(the others follow her gaze)

Bruce: (to Loki) I thought you said Jayla was somewhere safe

Loki: oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to clarify myself. I meant safe under my spell

Steve: NO!

Natasha: (stops Steve from charging Loki) don't, it's what he wants

Loki: actually, all I want is to know all of your secrets. Lucky for me, I found someone with a perfect memory

Thor: Loki, stop! This is madness! Jayla may have a perfect memory, but she'd never betray her friends

Loki: I'm afraid she already has

To be continued...

Sorry about not updating sooner. I'm having so much fun at this youth conference. And sorry if the end seemed a bit abrupt. I like suspense.

Don't forget to vote/comment

I have another update up later today, so you don't have to wait too long to hear what happens.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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