Author Note (1-16-21)

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Hey guys, both new and old!

I just wanna say how surprised I am that this book is still read by all you wonderful people. I always appreciate the likes and the comments, even if I don't ever thank you for it.

That being said, I just wanna make y'all aware that I wrote this book in 2015 when I was a sophomore in high school and have barely touched it since. Since then, my writing skills have greatly improved, but... I'd rather not go back and change anything despite how long it's been.

What I'm saying is that this whole story was created from the mind of a slightly crazy, teenage fangirl, and I want to keep it that way. It's piece of my personal history, and it's better if I don't "rewrite history."

Anyway, enjoy the story and keep on showering it with love!!

—EmJay Rogers

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