41. Ambush on Team FSPS

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Since this chapter and the next two are going to be the Nerf war, I made a set up as to who is in which chat groups. The number indicates the group.
(1) Anakin, Steve, Emily
(2) Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Cheyenne, Steve
(3) Tony, Pepper, Thor, Jane, Steve
(4) Natasha, Steve, Tony
(5) face to face conversation
(6) all characters
Btw you'll find out what Team FSPS means

[Anakin, Emily, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Cheyenne, Tony, Pepper, Thor, and Jane have entered the chat]


Anakin: okay, everyone is on and ready?

Tony: yep, let's get this Nerf war started!

Steve: not yet, there are a few rules

Natasha: do we really need rules?

Bruce: yes, because I don't think we want the other guy to come out, do we?

Tony: I know I don't. I am not in the mood to deal with an angry green thing today that only has a destruction mode

Cheyenne: better watch what you're saying Tony. Otherwise he may come out

Steve: anyway, here are the rules:
1. You are only allowed to shoot at the enemy. Any other forms of combat are prohibited.
2. Each person is allowed to be hit ten times before being considered "out." The round doesn't end until all the members of a single team are out.
3. You will only be able to hear your teammates and the ref through your comms. Any tampering with this setup will result in a penalty for that team
4. The first team to make it to the roof after three rounds wins
Any questions?

Natasha: ten shots?! can we make it less?

Steve: no, because not everyone here is as experienced as you are

Emily: you'll still be hearing the commentating right?

Steve: yea, but only I'll be able to hear that because it's through a different chat too

Tony: commentating?

Anakin: yep, Em and I are gonna commentate all of this through a video stream we set up with your security cams

Steve: if all of you are ready, then I am going to switch you all to different chat groups...okay all of you can still hear me, right?

Everyone: yes


Steve: uh...Tony say something to Natasha

Tony: hey, Nat, I'm going to get you back for that date we went on!


Natasha: I didn't hear anything

Bruce: me neither


Emily: yes! It worked! We are geniuses (high fives Anakin)


Steve: okay, battle will commence in three...two...one


Anakin: and off they go! Natasha's team is currently on floor 29, while Tony's team guards floor 17

Emily: quick question, Steve: how many floors is Avengers Tower?

Steve: I'm not sure (4) Hey, Tony

Tony: don't tell me I did something wrong already

Steve: no, Emily's just wondering how many floors there are

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