8. Who is Jedi 5?

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[Steve, Tony, Obi-Wan, and Anakin have entered the chat.]

Tony: is it just me or is anyone else bothered that we don't know who Jedi 5 is?

Anakin: I feel like it is someone I should know, but I can't think of it

Steve: I don't have any idea of who it could be

Obi-Wan: the person seems to be pretty smart

[Jedi 5 has turned off invisibility]

Jedi 5: there is only one person in this whole chat who knows who I am

Tony: and who is that?

Jedi 5: ......

Anakin: yea c'mon tell us

Jedi 5: ......

Steve: we're waiting

Jedi 5: ....the only person who knows who I am is...Obi-Wan

Anakin: what?!

Obi-Wan: well, would you look at the time? I am late for a meeting with the Council

Anakin: Grrr! I'm gonna kill you Obi-Wan!!

[Obi-Wan and Anakin have left the chat]

Tony: well, that happened

Steve: so, are you going to actually tell us who you are or what?

Jedi 5: once Anakin gets over being mad at Obi-Wan, yes

Tony: why then?

Jedi 5: you'll see

[Jedi 5 has left the chat]

Steve: now what?

Tony: wanna go do some experiments?

Steve: I'd rather not

[Steve has left the chat]

Tony: (sigh) no one left to talk to

[Jayla has turned off invisibility]

Jayla: you can talk to me

Tony: since when have you had an account?!

Jayla: the beginning; I didn't feel like telling anyone though

[Jayla has left the chat]

Tony: this day keeps getting weirder and weirder

[Tony has left the chat]


A/N: Jayla is an original character I made for the Marvel universe. She is in her early twenties and a superhero with ice powers.

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