56. Wedding Plans

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[Steve and Jayla have entered the chat]

Steve: are you sure we should ask them?

Jayla: yes, I am positive this will work

[Jayla has invited Anakin, Emily, Padmé, Haeleigh, Tony, Pepper, Thor, Jane, Natasha, Clint, Skye, Wanda, Rhodey and Sam to the chat]

Steve: we wanted your guys' opinion on a honeymoon location

Tony: first of all, I was thinking we could have the wedding on a beach

Steve: no way. We are not doing that. Jayla and I decided to get married in a church, not on a beach

Tony: but lots of people do it

Jayla: just because a lot of people may do it, doesn't mean we have to. We made our decision and we're sticking to it

Steve: but, like I said, we will let you guys choose the honeymoon location because we have no idea where to go

Jayla: (glares at everyone in room) and if anyone says Tahiti, it's a no

Tony: remember, I have a private mansion there? I'd be willing to let you use it for a week or two, as long as you keep it clean

Steve: we'll consider it

Anakin: if you ask me, I think Naboo is the perfect honeymoon location

Emily: yep, either there or Alderaan

Haeleigh: (groans) ugh, don't remind me of that Alderaan mission

Emily: sorry, I wasn't trying to

Natasha: I think Hawaii is a good place. Or Puerto Rico

Clint: I've heard Michigan's upper peninsula is beautiful in the summer. I've never been there before, though

Thor: I have a location, but it probably isn't a very good one

Jayla: it doesn't have to be spectacular. We're just throwing ideas around

Thor: alright, I was thinking Greece

Jane: oh, nice one. My idea was Italy

Padmé: I was just about to say the same thing

Haeleigh: (mutters) awkward

Pepper: I pick France. It was the first thing that came to mind

Skye: (shrugs) I got nothing. Travel locations have never been my interest

Wanda: I've hardly been anywhere out of Sokovia, so I don't know many places. But if I had to choose something I'd say Spain

Rhodey: I know this will sound weird to you, but I'd say Washington D.C.

Sam: (chuckles) man, I can do way better than that!

Rhodey: fine, what's yours?

Sam: (grins) New Zealand. Probably one of the best places to go because of the amazing landscape

Jayla: (sighs) good lord, this is a long list. Let's see we have: Tony's private mansion in Tahiti, Naboo, Alderaan, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the upper peninsula of Michigan, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Washington D.C., and New Zealand

Steve: (rubs eyes) this is going to be way harder than I thought

Jayla: well, I think we should cross off Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico right away

Pepper: I get Washington D.C., but why Puerto Rico?

Jayla:...personal reasons

Skye: very personal reasons

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