22. Happy Birthday!!

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[Emily, Anakin, Haeleigh, Obi-Wan, and Mica have entered the chat]

Emily: okay, so we all have our presents ready right?

Anakin: Em, that has go to be the tenth time you asked us in the last five minutes

Emily: sorry, you know how impatient I get sometimes

Haeleigh: (whispers) yea we know

Mica: so, how long are we gonna wait?

Obi-Wan: the plan was for all of us to get on at 2:00 their time, so it shouldn't be longer than five minutes

Haeleigh: wonderful. That means we have to listen to Emily's impatience

Emily: I may not be your master now, Haeleigh, but I can still get on you for stuff like that

Haeleigh: sorry

[Tony, Pepper, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Jayla have entered the chat]

Mica: yay! Can we start the party now?

Tony: well, none of the parties I have gone to started before I walked in

Pepper: (mutters) that's because you are the party

Haeleigh: haha! Song reference!

Jayla: so, what do you guys have for me?

Anakin: we can't tell you

Jayla: why not?

Tony: because we haven't sang you "happy birthday" yet

Jayla; I already said no to that

Bruce: okay, we won't

Tony: darn it

Natasha: so, who's going first?

Haeleigh: I will!! I made you snowflake cookies

Anakin: those were your present?

Haeleigh: did you eat them?!?!

Anakin: uhh...maybe

Obi-Wan: don't worry, I hid the second half of the batch

Anakin: there's more?!

Obi-Wan: I shouldn't have said that

Jayla: considering Anakin ate a lot of them I am assuming the cookies were good

Anakin: they were amazing!! You should try Haeleigh's meatballs

Tony: can we please get off the topic of food? You're makin me hungry. Can I give you my present now?

Jayla: sure

Tony: it's not anything really special. Pepper and I got it for you

Jayla: are you kidding?! I love it!!

Emily: what is it?

Pepper: a snowflake necklace with matching earrings

Haeleigh: I want to see!!

Jayla: I send you a pic later

Mica: for my present, I made a background with your name so you can use it for your phone or laptop. And I already sent it to your email

Jayla: (checks email) it looks awesome!! How did you manage to give it an airbrush look?

Emily: she is insanely good at graphic design. Who's next?

Bruce: me. I think I finally came up with a solution to your cold problem

Jayla: good lord, can we deal with this later?

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