10. Revelation

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[Anakin, Obi-Wan, Steve, Tony, and Jedi 5 have entered the chat]

Jedi 5: I am guessing you all are ready for me to reveal myself

Tony: not quite

[Tony has invited Bruce, Natasha, and Clint to the chat]

Natasha: what do you want, Tony?

Clint: yea, Nat and I are in the middle of something right now

Bruce: make it quick. I'm in the middle of an experiment

Obi-Wan: it won't take long

Anakin: okay, now that everyone is here, you were about to say something Jedi 5?

Jedi 5: please, no one freak out. I am a Jedi, obviously, and my name is...

Steve: is what?

[Jedi 5 has changed her name to Emily Annika Skywalker]

Tony: wut?

Natasha: cool, now I have to go

Clint: me too, but hey tell us everything later

[Natasha and Clint have left the chat]

Bruce: so you are WHO?

Anakin: she's...uh

Steve: this doesn't add up

Tony: (stares at computer screen)

Steve: you may want to say something before Tony freaks out

Obi-Wan: Emily is Anakin's twin sister

Bruce: since when did he have a twin sister?!

Emily: it's complicated, but long story short, we are both the most Force-sensitive Jedi and have a Force connection

Tony: ......no one mind me; I'm just going to go get a scotch

[Tony has left the chat]

Steve: oh lord, there he goes again

Bruce: ...but if you two are twins, then how does this affect the whole Star Wars universe?!

Anakin: like she said, it's complicated

Steve: I gotta go. I better see what Tony is up to

[Steve has left the chat]

Bruce: yea, I should go finish my experiment before it explodes

[Bruce has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: now, what?

Anakin: Em, why didn't you say anything before?!

Emily: I didn't want you to feel like I was stalking you in the chatroom, and I was worried you'd get mad at me

Anakin: no, it's fine. I don't mind.

Emily: you don't?

Anakin: nope...,

Obi-Wan: oh no

Anakin: but I will mind if you beat me at Battlefront II!!

Emily: it's on! I am not letting you win!

Anakin: you will try...

[Emily and Anakin have left the chat]

Obi-Wan: I really hope they don't do anything foolish

[Jayla has turned off invisibility]

Jayla: I think you should be more concerned about me doing something than them

Obi-Wan: why do you say that?

Jayla: oh, no reason

[Jayla has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: (sighs) whatever

[Obi-Wan has left the chat]


So, are you surprised at who Jedi 5 is? I am going to start making Jayla and Emily more involved in upcoming chats. (Oh, and Emily is an OC).

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