53. Signs and Tangents

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[Jayla and Steve have entered the chat]

Steve: you ready to do this?

Jayla: yea, let's just get it done and over with

[Steve has invited Sam, Rhodey, Tony, Pepper, Natasha, Wanda, Clint, Anakin, Emily, and Haeleigh to the chat]

Emily: you're telling 'em, right?

Jayla: well, Steve didn't just invite everyone for nothing

Tony: are you finally telling me what has been going on between you two?

Steve: yes, we are

Tony: awesome, great!! Let's get started

Clint: hold up one sec, I haven't exactly been around recently, so I don't get what you mean when you say there is something going on between Jayla and Steve

Jayla: you'll get it in a minute...so, Steve, you want to start off?

Steve: I'm sure all, or at least some, of you have noticed Jayla and I have been closer in the past month

Sam: yea, you bailed on playing Dota with me the other day!

Steve: I had a date with Jayla! It was either her or you, okay?

Anakin: I think I know where this is going because I've done the same thing to Emily

Emily: (glares at him) yea, we know

Jayla: anyway, Steve and I...have a surprise for you all

Haeleigh: ugh, the suspense is killing me!! Just say it already!! Tell me!!!

Natasha: could you please calm down?

Haeleigh: sorry

Steve: Jayla and I......We're engaged


Rhodey: Tony, I haven't seen you that surprised since you found out pb&j pop tarts were a thing

Natasha: yep, I totally saw that coming

Clint: I did too

Sam: man, I thought you said you and Jayla have only been together since like January!!

Steve: yea, we have, but we decided since the future is so uncertain with aliens and war and Hydra that it'd be better for both of us if we didn't wait

Pepper: and we all know what happened last time you waited on love

Steve: exactly

Wanda: when are you going to have the wedding?

Jayla: don't know yet. But it'll probably be in late July or early August

Anakin: (smirks at Emily) and you thought I was impulsive about marriage

Emily: you still are, but they aren't because they actually waited a few months before getting engaged. You married Padmé within a week of loving her

Anakin: I waited ten whole years!!!! TEN FREAKING YEARS!!!

Emily: you were nine when you met her!!

Anakin: so, what?! That doesn't mean it wasn't love at first sight

Emily: more like impulse at first sight

Anakin: says the girl who kissed a guy five minutes after she met him


Steve: (sighs patiently) Anakin. Emily. Could you two please stop fighting? We really don't want to hear it

Wanda: actually, I don't mind. I miss having a brother to fight with

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