27. The Beginning of a Long Journey

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[Anakin, Emily, Steve and Bruce have entered the chat]

Bruce: good news! I convinced Steve to come back to the team

Emily: yay! That's awesome because we are really gonna need his leadership for this

Steve: yea, Bruce convinced me on the condition that I don't cry whatsoever

Anakin: (snorts) so, are you guys ready for the basic plan?

Bruce: sure, give me a sec

[Bruce has invited Tony, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Pepper, and Jane to the chat]

Steve: okay, guys go ahead

Anakin: so, I fixed the Loki-ation device, and it is purring like a woolamander. Now, the whole Disney location thing actually isn't a glitch, so that means you guys will have to transport yourselves through the different universes

Tony: (sarcastically) that sounds fun

Natasha: how do we transport?

Bruce: Tony and I made a transporter similar to the kind found in Star Trek. Anakin and Emily tell us where to go and, we take the transporter there

Clint: what about communication?

Emily: we just use the little ear comms

Thor: so, this chatroom will now be irrelevant?

Anakin: actually, no. As we speak, the text will just show up in the chat as normal dialogue. The ear comms are specially programmed to connect back to the chatroom-

Emily: I don't think you need to do a full-fledged explanation, Anakin. But, on a side note, this does allow us to go back and look at what people said

Pepper: one last question: how will blending in work?

Tony: oh, Bruce and I have developed special clothing that can change depending on where we are and what time period. As you can see, this is why I was in the lab all day

Pepper: I figured

Clint: well, how about we go suit up and head to our first location?

Steve: not just yet. I have a list of what everyone will be doing

Tony: not all of us are going?

Steve: let me explain. As it is pretty obvious, I am the "captain" of this whole thing. Tony, you and Bruce will invent things on an as-needed basis and will be with me most of the time. Thor and Clint will be lookouts; Thor in the air, Clint on the ground. Natasha is to be our infiltrator, meaning sneaking in and out of places to look for Jayla. Pepper and Jane will stay at Avengers Tower to help with things from there. And finally, Anakin and Emily are tech support.

Anakin: oh yeah! Honorary Avengers!!

Jane: sounds like you have everything organized pretty well

Steve: yes, but there is one catch

Natasha: what's that?

Steve: Tony, no Iron Man suit, and Bruce, no going Hulk unless it is really really necessary

Tony: dangit! I didn't even think about that!!

Bruce: trust me, Steve. Everyday I try not to go Hulk

Thor: am I still allowed to have my hammer?

Steve: yes, we are each allowed to have one weapon of choice

Tony: (complaining) but my Iron Man suit is my weapon!!

Clint: have you ever learned to use anything else in combat?

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