4. Ship Names

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[Anakin and Steve have entered the chat]

Anakin: I still can't believe you beat me at Battlefront!!

Steve: to be honest, that was the first time I have ever played it. I loved that part where I totally killed all of those clones with Yoda

[Padmé has entered the chat]

Padmé: hey, Anakin

Steve: who are you?

Anakin: she's my wife remember?

Steve: oh, right. Still trying to remember who everyone is

Padmé: I'm confused. Who are you?

Anakin: I'll explain later

Steve: oh, hey do you two want a ship name?

Anakin: sure

Steve: alright, lemme get Tony

[Steve has invited Tony]

Tony: wassup?

Steve: I need you to help me come up with a ship name for Anakin and Padmé

Tony: Pakin

Anakin: yea, no

Padmé: definitely no

Steve: Panakin

Padmé: doesn't sound right

Anakin: agreed

Tony: Padkin

Anakin: sounds like the name of a kitten

Padmé: are you sure you can't come up with anything better?

Steve: Padakin

Anakin: I like that one

Padmé: me too

Tony: what?! You don't like my names?!

Anakin: sorry, buddy

Tony: meh, I'm leaving

[Tony has left the chat]

Steve: I wouldn't be surprised if he is getting some scotch right now

Padmé: ugh, just got a meeting call. Talk to you guys later

[Padmé has left the chat]



Anakin: more Battlefront?

Steve: totally!!

Anakin: I am beating your butt this time

Steve: not on my watch

[Anakin and Steve have left the chat]

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