33. Dancing Nerf Cat

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A/N: I was bored the other day in school, so I decided to draw Jayla's cat. To be honest, I haven't actually drawn a cat before.

[Natasha, Clint, Jayla, and Emily have entered the chat]

Clint: Nat and I need to talk to you, Jayla

Jayla: why?

Natasha: your cat is crazy

Jayla: how so?

Clint: the thing always pounces after the darts from Nat's Nerf gun

Jayla: she's a cat!! What do you expect?!

Emily: Jay's got a point

Jayla: what are you doing with the Nerf gun that Kit Kat would be causing trouble anyway?

Natasha:...trying to distract Tony when he is playing Halo

Emily: so, I'm guessing the cat always catches the darts before they can get to Tony right?

Clint: yep

Jayla: why didn't you say so before? I'm not mad at you. In fact, I might just help

Natasha: why do you want to help?

Jayla: so, you know how Thor isn't the best at Halo? Well, what if we distracted Tony so Thor could win?

Clint: I like where this is going...

Emily: you people are crazy

Natasha: whatever

[Anakin has entered the chat]

Anakin: hey, Jayla. I finished that thing you wanted

Jayla: (facepalms) crap, I forgot I even asked you!!

[Jayla has invited Pepper, Jane, and Cheyenne to the chat]

Jayla: guess what?

Cheyenne: um...what?

Jayla: we can do Zumba together!!!

Natasha: what the flipping heck is Zumba?!?!

Pepper: I've heard of it, but I've never tried it

Jayla: I've always wanted to try it, so I asked Anakin to make me a whole soundtrack and dance guide

Jane: sounds fun. I'll join

Pepper: I'm in, too

Cheyenne: I haven't worked out in forever, so I'll do it

Jayla: Nat?

Natasha: it sounds ridiculous, but I guess I'll give it a try

Jayla: yay!! :D

Clint: hey, what about our plans to ambush Tony?

Jayla: oh, right. We can do that first

Natasha: get your cat, Jayla

Jayla: will you please call her by her name?!

Natasha: fine. Get Kit Kat. I'll get my Nerf gun

[Natasha has left the chat]

Clint: Imma get my Nerf gun, too

[Clint has left the chat]

Cheyenne: so, Zumba when you are done?

Jayla: yep, meet me on the exercise floor

[Jayla has left the chat]

Jane: you're going to let them do this to your boyfriend, Pepper?

Pepper: to be honest, I really don't mind. Tony always gloats when he wins, so it'll be nice to see him lose for a change

Cheyenne: sounds a little harsh

Pepper: you have to know Tony to understand

Jane: by the way, you know how Kit Kat follows Jayla practically everywhere? I have the feeling that cat knows how to dance

Cheyenne: what?

Pepper: now that you mention it, Kit Kat is strange in general

Emily: strange?

Jane: she seems to be really intelligent, which is strange for a cat

Cheyenne: well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna go watch the ambush on Tony

Pepper: I'll come with you

Jane: I guess I could come

[Cheyenne, Pepper, and Jane have left the chat]

Anakin: I come on here to do one simple thing and things get weird

Emily: are you saying girls are weird?

Anakin: no, I'm just saying what you guys talk about is weird

Emily: is not!! I bet you I can beat you in a lightsaber duel

Anakin: are you challenging me, Saber Girl?

Emily: what do you think, Skyguy?

Anakin: I'll take that as a yes

[Anakin has left the chat]

Emily: he is going down

[Emily has left the chat]

So, for those of you who have no idea what Zumba is: it is pretty much exercising mixed with dancing. I started doing it last summer and it is actually fun to do.

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I'll probably have another update tomorrow. I had more time to write today because I had a snow day today and I have one tomorrow, too. :D

-Emily A. Skywalker

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