19. The Cold War

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[Anakin, Emily, Bruce, and Steve have entered the chat]

Steve: you would not believe how cold it is here right now

Emily: how cold?

Bruce: well, with the wind chill, it is about -11º F

Anakin: could you convert that to Celsius?

Emily: Anakin, even I don't need to convert that to know it is definitely freezing

Steve: I know. I went out for my run this morning, and I didn't even last ten minutes before my joints froze

Bruce: I don't know how you even managed to last for ten minutes

Steve: me neither

Emily: so, how did your date with Jayla go?

Steve: we had fun. After the movie, we went to McDonald's together

Bruce: you took her to a fast food place?

Anakin: that isn't very romantic

Emily: would you two cut it out? They have their own way of doing things. Just let them be

Steve: thanks :)

Anakin: so, where is Jayla right now?

Steve: somewhere around Avengers Tower

Bruce: did she go outside? Jayla better not have gone outside

Steve: dude, I'm sitting in the room with all the security camera monitors. Relax, she is just playing Halo with Tony

Anakin: (whispers) stalker

Emily: why can't she go outside?

Steve: I thought you of all people would know, Emily. She already tells you everything

Anakin: so, why can't she?

Bruce: Jayla has a really, really, really strange condition that I have never ever seen before in all of my years as a scientist

Emily: what is it?

Steve: whenever Jayla comes in contact with anything below 10º F, she gets...well...evil, you could say

Anakin: like, Sith evil?

Bruce: sort of, it's almost like the low temperature makes her go on a destructive rampage

Emily: and this rampage is completely out out her control, isn't it?

Steve: pretty much. She almost went out earlier, but I stopped her before she could

Bruce: I've been trying to find anything that can help her, but so far I've gotten nothing

Steve: trust me, Jayla knows her limits and she has never tried to push them

Emily: well, I hope you find something, Bruce

Anakin: remind me to stay away from Jayla if it is freezing cold out

Steve: why?

Emily: Sith experiences scar you for life

Steve: ohhh...

Bruce: yea, I can imagine

[Jayla has entered the chat]

Anakin: oh (beep)

Emily: Anakin!! Language!

Anakin: sorry

Jayla: what was that about?

Steve: we were kinda just talking about you

Jayla: what about me?

Bruce: your...um...condition

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