55. Private Chat #2

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[Tony and Anakin have entered a private chat]

Tony: I'm still kinda pissed at Steve for winning Ultimate Frisbee

Anakin: oh come on! You knew he was going to win

Tony: yea, I know, but I still feel like I could have done better. Anyway, what'd you want to talk to me about?

Anakin: so, remember how Pepper said in the last chat she wanted someone to hold you down so she could take the scotch out of your hand?

Tony: yea, what about it?

Anakin: well, that got me thinking about when you and Bruce made that transporter when we trying to find Loki

Tony: I think I know where you are going with this, but I'm really not sure

Anakin: here's my idea: what if we could transport us to your universe or you to ours? Then, we could finally meet each other in person!!

Tony: first, that is a great idea. I don't know how I never thought of that before. Second, are you sure something like this could work?

Anakin: well, it should. I mean, we're both technically Disney, so that makes it much easier. And I could build a back-up transporter just in case

Tony: what about the others? Do you think they'll go along with this?

Anakin: are you seriously thinking logically?

Tony: it's not logic; it's concern

Anakin: concern? I have a hard time believing that

Tony: why do you say that?

Anakin: because you never seem to care about other people

Tony: you wanna know something: I act that way so I don't seem soft to others, even when I really do care about them

Anakin: conceal, don't feel?

Tony: (facepalms) oh forget it. Anyway, where were we? Deciding on whether or not to tell the others about this plan

Anakin: right, so how do you think we should go about this? I mean we could invite them all into the chat...

Tony: we could, but before we tell anyone else we have to tell the big guy

Anakin: what big guy are you referring to?

Tony: Steve, duh. If he doesn't approve of this, then we can't do it

Anakin: why ask him first?

Tony: because Steve is basically the leader of the Avengers, so whatever he says, we have to follow

Anakin: like the 'no swearing' rule he made

Tony: exactly

Anakin: okay, then how about I go get started on that extra transporter, while you go talk to Steve

Tony: I guess I could do it now..., but I kinda wanted to go play some Halo

Anakin: Halo can wait. Do you ever have a priority list?

Tony: it depends on what life throws at me and what I feel like doing and what I need to do

Anakin: that's about the same for me, except for the fact that I have to follow orders a lot

Tony: that sounds fun

Anakin: it's not. You try having a bunch of other Jedi telling you what to do all the time, especially when one of them is really annoyingly strict

Tony: which one?

Anakin: Master Windu

Tony: well, I basically have to deal with the same guy over here, though Fury tends to be witty a lot

Anakin: I'd like it if Master Windu was like that

Tony: oh my gosh. I just thought of something awesome

Anakin: what?

Tony: if Steve says yes to the transporter thing, then...wait for it...I'll ask him if you guys can come to his and Jayla's wedding

Anakin: well, you don't call yourself a genius for nothing

Tony: I know, right? I mean, that's how I've become so successful

Anakin: I figured. I gotta go now. Council meeting

Tony: how often do you have those meetings?

Anakin: almost every day

[Anakin and Tony have left the private chat]

If you saw my message the other day about entering this book into the Wattys, then please vote and comment!! I want to give this book a good reputation so I'll have a better chance of winning. Even then, it'll be a small chance that I'll win.

I won't be able to update again until Sunday evening at the earliest because I'll be out of town and most likely won't have wi-fi.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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