16. Shadowed Pasts

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[Jayla, Haeleigh, and Jayden have entered the chat.]

Haeleigh: Jayden, meet my friend Jayla

Jayden: (nervously) hi

Jayla: is she your new padawan?

Haeleigh: yep! :D isn't she cute?

Jayden: why wouldn't I be?

Jayla: how did you say she was again, Haeleigh?

Jayden: I'm five

Jayla: aren't you a little young to be a padawan?

Jayden: am not! My daddy let me be one, and he is a Jedi too.

Haeleigh: Jayden...why don't you go play with your cousins?

Jayden: okay

[Jayden has left the chat]

Jayla: wait a minute...I'm confused

Haeleigh: she was adopted, remember?

Jayla: oh right, that makes sense

[Steve has entered the chat]

Steve: what's up?

Haeleigh: nothing really

Steve: handling everything okay, Jayla?

Jayla: yea, sorta

Haeleigh: it's about Skye's dad, isn't it?

Jayla: can we please not talk about this? You know how touchy I am about that subject. I'm still trying to comprehend all of it.

Steve: I'm sorry I brought it up

Jayla: it's okay. It isn't you. You're not the one with the almost infallible memory

Haeleigh: almost infallible?

Steve: (whispers) she doesn't remember the first six months of her life

Jayla: (glares at Steve) shut up Steve

Steve: sorry, but you know it is true

Haeleigh: hey, I know how you feel. I don't know where I'm from or who my parents were either

Steve: well, at least neither of you were in a chronic sleep for, like, seventy years. Do you know how much stuff I missed in those years?

Jayla: good point, you missed when Star Wars became a thing

Steve: that's not what I meant

Jayla: (grins) I'm messing with you. I just wish I knew where I came from and who my parents were

Haeleigh: how come you can't remember the first six months of your life?

Jayla:......an accident

Haeleigh: huh?

Steve: it's a long story for another time. She is really touchy about the subject

Jayla: speaking of subjects, I'm gonna change it right now

[Jayla has invited Logan to the chat]

Jayla: Haeleigh, meet Logan

Logan: hey guys

Haeleigh: (surprised) how the heck do you have such a large build?!

Logan: I work out

Steve: dang, I wish I was that buff

Jayla: Steve, you are already buff enough

Haeleigh: hey Logan, what's up with the claw thingys?

Logan: they are my...claws

Haeleigh: do you ever use them?

Logan: only when I need to

Haeleigh: like when you want to hurt someone?

Logan: yea, sure

Jayla: hey, I gotta go, but here is someone else you can talk to

[Jayla has left the chat]

[Storm has entered the chat]

Storm: hey guys, what's up?

Haeleigh: nothing much. Why is your hair white?

Storm: I really don't know, but I can manipulate weather

Haeleigh: is it like using the Force?

Storm: not really

Logan: what is the Force?

Steve: have you not seen Star Wars, Logan?

Logan: no, I don't think so

Steve: I'll come over to your house later, and we'll watch it together

Logan: can you come over now?

Steve: sure

[Logan has left the chat]

Storm: how do you know Jayla, Haeleigh?

Haeleigh: we're friends. I actually kinda knew her before this chatroom 'cause I watch Agents of SHEILD

Storm: bet it sucks for you that it doesn't start up again until March

Haeleigh: don't even make me wish I didn't have to wait

Steve: well, at least you will be able to watch Agent Carter......

Haeleigh: I can guess someone is excited for it

Steve: why wouldn't I be? I'll finally get to know what Peggy did while I was in that chronic sleep

Storm: it sounds good. Maybe I'll watch it

Haeleigh: if you haven't watched Agents of SHEILD, you should do that first

Storm: okay, talk to you later

[Storm has left the chat]

Haeleigh: hey Steve, if you aren't busy tomorrow, do you want to play some Dota with me?

Steve: yea sure

Haeleigh: okay, see you

[Haeleigh and Steve have left the chat]

[Tony has turned off invisibility]

Tony: oooh, blackmail time...!

I don't have much to say except for vote and comment. I don't know when I will update next, so keep watch.


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