52. Don't Touch My Stuff

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[Haeleigh and Jayla have entered the chat]

Haeleigh: ugh, the past couple weeks have been so looong

Jayla: why do you say that?

Haeleigh: training a Padawan is not easy at all. It gives me a lot of stress

[Steve has entered the chat]

Steve: I was wondering where you went. You left our game of Halo kinda suddenly

Jayla: (blushes) sorry, I told Haeleigh I'd be on the chat today and I almost didn't notice the time

Haeleigh: I would have laughed if you said you forgot about the invite

Jayla: ha ha. That reminds me. Guess who I invited to stay for the summer...

[Jayla has invited Skye to the chat]

Haeleigh: crap, I was hoping it would be Ward

Skye: hey, we do not speak of him. And don't even think about mentioning our short relationship

Haeleigh: I was joking. I didn't really mean it

Jayla: yea, but that idiot is not a joking matter at all, minus his puns

Skye: yea, he does come up with good puns. I'll give him that

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: hey, can one of you come let me into the base?

Steve: why?

Tony: because your security system is made too well

Jayla: why, thank you!

Tony: (groans) would you please just let me in?

Jayla: I'm coming, I'm coming

Steve: why are you stopping by, Tony?

Tony: bringing over some stuff you guys left at the tower

Skye: what kind of stuff?

Tony: ehh, just miscellaneous stuff I found that doesn't belong to me, like Jayla's sketchbook

Jayla: hey, you better not have looked in it!!

Haeleigh: why can't he look in it?

Skye: none of us know what is in that sketchbook, not even me or the captain

Steve: you know you can just call me by my first name right?

Skye: yea, but since I don't know you very well yet, I feel awkward doing it

Steve: okayyy...

Tony: (walks into room) anyway, here is one of the boxes. I have two more in my trunk

Skye: (looks through the box) oh my gosh is that a...?

Haeleigh: oh, no. Did she find the...?

Jayla: yep, the lightsaber. You know, I was wondering where that went

Tony: it's been so long since that whole thing I don't even remember when Bruce and I built it

Steve: yea, that was months ago

Tony: amazing how fast time can fly sometimes

[Emily has entered the chat]

Emily: hey Haeleigh, you have a visitor

Haeleigh: I do?

Emily: yea, um, I think you'll want to go see who it is

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

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