32. Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

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A/N: chocolate heart to whoever got the title reference

[Anakin, Emily, Obi-Wan, Haeleigh, Padmé, Luke, Leia, Han, and Mica have entered the chat]

Obi-Wan: are you sure the chat won't break, Anakin?

Anakin: yes, I am sure. I set the max capacity to 30 for a reason. Trust me, this will be fine

Haeleigh: so since we have extra room-

Emily: Haeleigh, remember? They just started a tour...

Haeleigh: oh right. I forgot. Sorry, if I upset you

Emily: no, it's okay

Padmé: I'm sure you'll get a chance to talk to him, Em

Mica: I wish Daddy's tour didn't have to start right before Valentine's Day

Emily: me too, my little star

Luke: hey, why don't you give me and Leia affectionate names, Mother?

Padmé: because you are kind of old for them

Leia: actually, I wouldn't mind if you did

Han: hey, I do, Your Worship

Leia: (rolls eyes) shut up, Han

Haeleigh: are you gonna invite them, Anakin?

Anakin: yep, give me a sec

Emily: what are you doing?

Anakin: tada!! Like the lights?

Padmé: they're beautiful :)

Obi-Wan: yes, it does look nice

Mica: I love the pink glow!!!

Emily: since you guys are busy, I'll invite them

[Emily has invited Tony, Pepper, Thor, Jane, Steve, Jayla, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce]

Emily: whoops, almost forgot one

[Emily has invited Cheyenne Forrest to the chat]

Anakin: hey, Cheyenne

Cheyenne: hi, since I'm new at this are there any rules to this chat?

Steve: only one: no swearing

Cheyenne: okay, I can do that

Obi-Wan: who are you?

Jayla: she's a new friend. Works for SHIELD. Not currently assigned anywhere, so I invited her to stay here for as long as she wanted

Haeleigh: do you have any special abilities?

Cheyenne: well, I'm specially trained in biology and medicine

Bruce: you didn't tell us that

Cheyenne: you didn't ask

Bruce: fair enough

Anakin: let's get this party started!!

Tony: hey! That's my line!

Pepper: let it go, Tony

Mica: 🎶let it go! let it-🎶

Emily: Mica, please don't

Mica: okay, I won't

Steve: I love using these ear comms. Makes it so much easier to multitask

Padmé: too true

Obi-Wan: so, ready for the gift exchange?

Steve: ready whenever you are

Thor: I will go first. Jane, I have been working on this, and I really hope you like it

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